Normal font holds my journal of what happened, colored fonts hold inserted discussions about some aspect. You should read just the black text the first time as the black reflect my original event and first impression log while the blue contains later thoughts about those events.
Greeted at door, B already inside
Walked to room, brief mention of buzz, comment from X that maybe I am already hypnotized
B wanted to know if we wanted privately, no
Given blanket, told to undress (awake) and cover
Saw all the bathroom, undressed to undies normally, covered with blanket,
sat on table
You probably missed a powerful hypnotic opportunity. You could induce a light trance and make the undressing a symbolic leaving my world and entering yours, that with each removal that I get more and more prepared to be profoundly immersed in the experiences of the session, that each step puts me deeper, etc. Similarly, redressing could be turned into a symbolic return to my normal world and even, if you so choose, a leaving of my hypnotic world, experiences, and memories behind until next time.
Discussed if B had read logs, she had
She was surprised at the memory, she thought all would be lost
I described that even if I got the main events, the relative level of details on them is much less than for normal memories
Discussed if I had any special needs, therapeutic etc. No Former employer less of an issue, and I had done well.
X mentioned my stutter, we discussed early speech impairment, more stuttering with family, not really an impediment
By the way, my stuttering, my frequent mispronunciation of the name of your dog, and my general lack of good dictation are all interrelated. My “speech” system is just not very good. As you might expect, I did terrible with the spoken parts of high school French even when I had become familiar enough with the language to be able to think in it. (No, my French is mostly gone – but feel free to try to recover it sometime.)
Discussed scars, in mid sentence
== Triggered ==
As usual it took effect before I was able to think about it, probably continued to talk as head slumped
By the time I start to think “was this the trigger, am I ready to go under?” my eyes are already closed, my facial muscles are relaxing, and I’m on my way out. Thinking back on it, it had to be humorous/entertaining to see me slump while still talking, and it is humorous to recall it. I would like to see a video of some of my reactions such as this one.
You, X, have clearly mastered the art of putting me under by surprise. Is it more effective when given by surprise? Probably “yes” because there would not be any of the mental defenses or reservations I might prep if I knew exactly when it was coming.
I’d be curious if B can do it as well. Separately I’d be curious if I could manage to not go under when triggered by X if I knew exactly when it was coming. This would not be a test of if I could be hypnotized against my will because I’m clearly showing up to be hypnotized and have no reasons for not going under except to run this experiment, but it would be a test of the degree to which my conscious thoughts just before being triggered affect my reactions.
I like the idea of an irresistible trigger for several reasons. First, it saves time and gives me more of the zoned out time I need. Second, it is very simple and this simplicity pre-empts my analysis – if I think of the trigger as being irresistible then I don’t spend time fretting about it or my reaction to it. Third, it acts as a relaxation hook I can use outside of sessions. By this I do not mean triggering myself (I can’t stay under by myself for more long), but just as I might reflect on some “hypnotized” behavior I had done and get a rush of relief, I can reflect that not only did I do/act/feel that way, but also that with a few simple words I might be doing so again.
Told to go deep as ever before
My deepest times were times when I had let go completely to the trance and guidance. I hadn’t been given permission to go this far and balked.
Basically, I can’t let go at some levels without knowing that somebody is there to take this responsibility for me that this seems to need an affirmative statement each time.
Some deepening phrases, some of which I repeated
B will tell me what to do, I will do whatever she says
I responded naturally to this with no resistance, questioning, or internal stress. Of course I entered the session with the expectation that B would be giving suggestions and it might not have been so easy to transfer influence to somebody I had not been expecting.
Lay on table face down.
Grabbed and settled on pillow naturally
I think that I am easier for you two to deal with when I’m face up and I know that you get more verbal and non-verbal feedback from me this way. One thing you might try might be a two-flip system where I start face up until my trance and nirvana are firmly established, then face down and later face up again. You can also use these times of transition for any walking-somumbalistic behaviors where you have me do something involving motion, eyes open, speaking, etc before having me settle back down. You know that if something you have me do does somehow wake me up or lessen the trance level you know that with a trigger and a little encouragement that I’d quickly be mentally back where you want me to be.
Guitar music, somewhat loud at times
B: Focus on touches, touches relaxing me, taking me deeper
Feelings of caring, love and compassion
To me, “relaxed” is not the same as hypnotized. It is ok to mix in phrases such as each touch hypnotizes me, or that each one builds my connection with you and my responsiveness to you
You can also get more creative with the combination of touches and suggestions. For example, you could use your touches to emphasize a word in a suggestion. “Each touch will take you DEEPER ”, or “You will FEEL cared for”. You can also try pure touch suggestions – I am after all in a very suggestible state. For example, you could try to impose arm rigidity by touch alone, or cause position and posture changes, or even a rollover, by touch alone.
Toggling between X and B, the voice of X sticks out in my mind better
Dream – island,
To ocean
A funny thing happened on my way to the island. (Not really just on my way to the island, but it sounds cute). I kept listening and anticipating the use of the trigger “chair”. I know that the phrase has not been universally effective on me when awake, but when under the suggestion reasserted itself. The checking distracted from my full involvement in the imagery.
Food – healthy
Cave, deeper and deeper – wanted to go, involved surrender, follow them, I will follow
Unique gift – never stated what it was, can be used only here, stays here, but impacts me forever
Nice touch
Several times before and after turn over some instruction was given firmly such as something to the effect that “As B pulls your arms you will … NOW”. I respond well to these.
This good response may be simply that such instructions grab my attention and are easy to understand. In contrast, some other instructions seem to be leading in a direction but did not quite get all the way there, acting as a hint. Completing such hints takes attention and these instructions often started well in my mind but ended up in conflict or confusion.
Mouth ran with words related to letting go, surrendering
I seem to get chatty after the turnover. With your voice echoing around in my head it sometimes feels right to let it also echo out of my mouth and maybe by the time of the turnover I’ve built up some things to echo. It also may be that turnover ends the totally passive state and now that I’m using my muscle groups speech becomes possible.
Firm words reinforcing surrender, compelled, eager, willing
Smile at release of control
These were very effective for me and enabled a different part of my mind to let go. While I had been relaxed before I became relaxed in new ways and became simply and profoundly involved in your words and the trance experience. I was no longer waiting for something else to happen and turned to simply experiencing.
With these words I felt lighter and released and I remember feeling like I was smiling at these feelings.
Arm stiff
Suggestions re food, taking care of self, ???
Asked for word
Confusion re hair
There was some miss communication at this part probably caused both by my mumbling in trance and X’s words being obscured by the to me loud noise from B’s rubbing of the hair near my ears.
Will return, sit up, etc – unclear if to dream or in person
When getting ready to wake up was sad for B
Wanted to give her a chance to question the hypnotized me about the experience, what I was feeling, how I might react, etc
There is a saying that asking questions is the best way to learn. I’m a bit unusual in that I can answer questions and remain under. You can use the time near the end of the trance to solicit feedback while I’m still in the mind set where I experienced the events about which you would be asking. You will have to supply the questions as I would be too mentally lazy to think of anything.
Imagery of returning to where we had started. Words toward end involved climbing on table and sitting up and I was getting confused between if I were to do these mentally only or physically – I almost started that final table climb and sitting up physically.
Awoke laying down
(When I review the black original area of the session log, I notice that I have many details about what we discussed and very few details about what happened in trance. I could probably spend much more time capturing what we discussed while awake and have to place a limit on that while I cannot or seem unwilling to capture more about what happened in trance. In contrast, I seem to have a high capacity to add blue commentary about what I did log.)
Felt light in body and lightheaded – some mental release had happened
Maybe impose this strongly at start of session
Discussion of surrender thing
Sat up
Dressed normally, hear discussion re ???? (I forgot), was going to comment on it)
What was I meaning re wanting a new word?
Return to surrender .vs. less profound normal trance
Some flip back and forth between X and B on reinduction
One started phrase, other completed – no good
Somebody completed it – was later told that it was B, I did not notice at that time and still don’t remember it.
N based now new phrase, to mean surrender
don’t think there was a third induction
Discussion as to there being two words
if it would work from street or if best used from trance
secret irresistible code to go to that very deep place
Discussion of stage hypnosis – chair, disappearing client, stuck in chair
Nefarious hypnosis
All h is self h, vs. can have extra influence. X is in camp that thinks people can have extra influence. (I can be a test subject for this but there would be questions if to if it applies when I’ve agreed to go deeply under).
Chicken, duck – my comment that it might be like dreams, that since I do not get all that involved in dreams that I might not get immersed in being an animal.
X mentioned that she is not so sure that it can’t be done
X mentioned video camera
I’d love to review a video of some of my reactions – you would choose which.
Comments re I’m happiest and least stressed when in complete surrender, I’m not filtering, wondering, planning, just waiting to be told what to do
Pain, anesthesia, bruise discussion
Bruise that I did not feel
Normally I’m not at all into pain, but you have my permission to leave a small bruise if it helps in testing my responses – small bruises are not consequential, especially if I’m not feeling it when it happens
X made some comment about of B better not have more influence than X does. My comment: X has echoed in my head longer
Hmm, professional rivalry? X’s advantages are that she has the history with me and very rich and varied hypnotic skills. B’s advantages are being willing or able to use touch more aggressively than X can and touch can clearly grab attention. X clearly has the current advantage.
I encourage both of you to strive your hardest using any of your skill sets to establish a deep influence over me. I suspect that if there were any rivalry that I would be in for a pleasantly wild ride even while you two hone your talents.
Tell me what to feel
Log more of out discussions than the trance
X comments regarding being uncomfortable with my undress
B more comfortable with full clothing
From your comments I see that we are at the limits of your comfort zone. Undressing does cross a line that most hypnotists would never cross, but then most would not ever touch a patient just in case it gets misconstrued. I think the fear of things being misconstrued is probably the core issue. After all, if a man shows up at your house and strips it would normally be a sign of inappropriate intention and inappropriate expectations on his part.
Like so many other things it is a question of intent. I’m not intending anything inappropriate by such actions (if I’m even awake enough to have intentions), I have no inappropriate expectations, and I don’t think the undressing is a step toward any such things. Similarly, I don’t think that there is the remotest chance that you have any inappropriate intentions or that this undressing would lead to your having inappropriate intentions.
B is probably more used to walking this line. Massage professionals routinely deal with situations that in other circumstances could be misinterpreted. However with clear boundaries and proper intentions on all sides it does work out. Also, the risk of a misunderstanding is much less with a repeat client than with a first visit.
We can and should find ways to stay within your comfort zone and I’ll gladly follow any protocol X and B work out. I do hope that you know that I do not have any misconceptions about what the undressing means and what it does not mean.
On the humorous side, you do have an advantage most professional massage people would love to have. Not many have the ability to with a single word make a misbehaving client fall into a passive slumber from which they can be redirected.
Surrender means no choices for me to make, nothing for me to do – except to do what I am told.
Have to know someone is stepping up to take what I am letting go of, can’t just refer to a memory of when that happened.