Emailed Trigger

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And as you read this message you find yourself going into “[N trigger]" You will be in that state for two minutes, quietly enjoying the buzz, and then you may emerge, fully awake and aware, continuing to enjoy the benefits of your bliss.

Some effect the first time, but dangerous in both that it is the more trigger for the most deep trance and surrender, or at least it would be once strongly reinforced and that it does not take into account what my reading context might be. For example, being observed falling into trance at home or at the office could have ripple consequences. This breaks the rule of allowing anything as long as its impact outside the safety of the session is carefully controlled. If I have to worry about such impact then I would need to become guarded about what levels of influence I allow and I could not really draw a line about one level within a session and one outside – especially when there are attempts to extend it outside.

I find that in rereading I can simply skip my eyes past that key phrase. However, if I go back to reread it including the phrase, or read just the phrase I do get a definitive buzz.


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