Hypno Tinkling

Today Goddess X played with her tinkler in her bathroom. We had started the session talking about recordings, microphones, background hum and white noise all in conjunction with some new recordings she wants to make. A few tests showed a persistent hum and we thought it might be that the smarts in the machine was turning up the sensitivity during the pauses trying to catch sounds that were not there. To fix this we decided to try adding some background noise by moving a tinkling waterfall from her studio into her more sound proof bathroom.

It was a small contraption to cause the problems it did. Too loud, too soft, motor sound coming through, water level too low, water overflowing onto the floor, spilled rocks, etc. During the sessions I'm always looking for bloggable moments and in particular I look for intriguing blog titles. I joked with Goddess X about blogging about her tinkling in the bathroom and she laughed and told me to go ahead. Oh well, at least I did not title it playing with her tinkler.

After the setup fiddling was complete the recording session itself went well with only a small false start. It was a general trance induction for sleep or meditation sort of thing and at the end she gave a choice between two different things. Afterwards I commented that while she had described that there was a choice to be made, she never told them to actually make and execute their choice -- the literal trance logic that hypnosis brings had me with a choice in mind waiting for a chance to exercise it. Trance literalness can be a pain, but it is a frequent aspect of hypnosis and so she re-recorded the ending with an explicit moment where the choice would be applied.

As with the other recording, I was impressed at the care Goddess X took making it. It is not so much the setup of the recording studio but it is rather how natural her voice is, how polished the timing, how integrated are even things like her breathing. They are definitely quality recordings well suited to their purposes.


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