I am a confident and intelligent professional in a position where I know what control is about. My personal fetish is a deep and secret desire to be taken over, to turn power and control over to somebody else.
This blog is from a series of hypnosis sessions. In these I discover a very nice and kind therapist who has tolerance for my kink or even has complimentary interests. (See
What does the Hypnotist Get?). The sessions start off normally but the control kink is quickly discovered, explored a bit, then the hypnotist backs off for a while before coming to terms with it and becoming an entheuastic participant. She then intorduces a massage therapist who is similarly kind hearted and with a complimentary interest.
I end up deeply in their control while I am with them, and they even establish some remote control influence where they can reach out and influence me between sessions.
The relationship was still pretty much a normal therapeutic one from Dec 2004 to late March, 2005. At that point the power and control transfer became fully acknowledge and the relationship became more one of Mistresses and Goddesses (non-sexual) but still therapeutic.
A few days later, the first hypnodomme told a friend theraputic hypnotist of what she was doing and how it did not involve what she feared. The friend read the blog and thought it sounded fun. She has become involved big time since and once even had the tables turned.
When with them, I might be passive and laying down, I might be a zombified houseboy, I might be sitting up with a bloated red face confessing deep inner thoughts, I might be seemingly awake and interacting, or ...
Read on and find out.
This comment edited May, 2005.
The synopsis below was created by
Texas Trancer from
Hypnotic Relationships.
An executive with a strong interest in hypnotic submission is married to a woman who does not share that interest at all and who would freak if she knew her center of support and stability had a submissive side. He found a female pro hypnotist who helped him with therapy on other issues, and over time raised this subject with her. She gradually became sympathetic, and agreed to provide hypnotic domination as a paid professional service with no sexual involvement. She found that she likes doing this, and he got all the relaxation and pleasure he was hoping for.
Then she brought in her friend the massage therapist, who was just learning hypnosis, and he submitted to her too. Then another friend, a pro hypnotist in a nearby city who also had never done any HypnoDomme work, heard about this and how it did not involve the compromises she first thought and she joined in, first by phone, now occasionally in person. So our hero is now calling three nice women "Goddess" or "Mistress" and doing whatever they say within the context of their sessions. They have agreed not to interfere with his complex life outside the sessions except when asked.
I'm sure all of us would prefer to do hypnotic power exchange in the context of a personal relationship, yet isn't that cool? DeepTrancer had marriage and family commitments and business duties, so he respected them. He was careful to find Women of Power who live and work on the bright side, with no interest in physical pain, public humiliation, or blackmail. Also, he's financially successful, so the considerable amounts he has to be spending on this extremely satisfying hobby is within his means.
Don't get too envious, guys! Women who are pro hypnotists: would it make personal and professional sense for you to add this as one of your specialties?
I do wish that more pro hypnotists will understand that the need to submit is a deep and profound need that can drive guys to some very hurtful behaviors and people for lack of a kind alternative, and that they can be providing a very therapeutic (and fun) service by providing an outlet and that this does not involve compromising themselves physically or mentally. I hope that this blog will help show this possibility.