Trancing for its own sake
Goddess N experienced this revelation herself. She had a lot going on, and just needed to get away. This we accomplished.
She greeted me at the door with an extended hug -- one of those that started normally but which then extended. I think she was glad to see me and needed a hug right then. There is a comfort level between us that is unusual and is in large part a result of the submissive relationship. The bond and trust we have built allows interactions that if done with others would tend to be misinterpreted but with us need no explanation.
We discussed Goddess N injury and its ongoing impact, and how it is aggravating something else. We discussed her recent life event. We discussed some business plans and possible obstacles, and how fear of the obstacles can prevent some starts. It is clear to us that Goddess N is the perfect person for a significant and useful niche, the only question is how best to get her out there. We discussed many other things -- Goddess N has a lot on her mind right now.
It came time to decide what we were going to do today. I had not arrived with any agenda or expectation, but I had developed an impression that she would benefit from a trance even if it had no specific target, and I articulated this. She did an "so, if I had something in particular to work on, you would be willing to trance me" and my counter was that "even if you had nothing in particular to work on, I'd be willing to trance you". (What is it with hypnotherapists that makes them think that hypnosis is so special it can be used only for very narrow and well defined objectives?) I stated that hypnosis by itself has enough benefits to be worth considering. She came up with a few possible particular but broad goals, more than could probably be addressed, and I truly listened and made plans to explore these. However, I knew that I'd see what her tranced self wanted most to explore before deciding which needed to most focus.
Goddess N is always shy about accepting hypnosis. While she may want it, it is a turning of the tables and she does not let herself be hypnotized often by anybody.
The trance induction used many components of our previous sessions but with a slightly more assertive style such as the use of snaps. From the everything is possible state of deep trance we explored some of what we had discussed, encouraging her to see herself getting the outcomes she wanted and using this to build the motivation to get there. What seemed hard when awake seemed easy in trance, practically done in some cases. At one point, she directly asked for a trigger, a "bonk on the head" so to speak to jar her past an identified bad counter productive habit. We also explored some fractionation where she would be brought out for a brief conversation before being placed back in trance. I see this as possibly enabling some more complex explorations where the best of both worlds is alternatively brought to bear.