Becoming an animal, going somewhere -- Commentary

I've never been so far gone that I truly perceived myself as being somewhere else or something else. (I'm low on the imaganary involvement scale.) X mentioned that she is not so sure that it can’t be done.

Well, you once had me out there with the bird for a very short time and this was a first for me. I do know that I had not fully surrendered to the hypnosis and your influence at that point and I do not know if this contributed to it not sticking.

I would be very surprised and pleasantly amazed if you managed to pull off a “become an animal” suggestion, a “be this other place” suggestion, or some other sort of be something different suggestion that became real to me. I would have said that it probably wasn’t going to ever happen, but you did pull off that bird thing even if only briefly.

Besides learning about myself, there are practical benefits. If you get so that you can influence and direct not just my behavior but my reality then you really could send me anywhere! Your use of this could range from simply pleasantly consume time while I am under to putting me through therapeutic scenarios.


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