Does Massage Enhance Hypnosis?

Net: To me, hypnosis enhances massage because it encourages relaxation and being into the moment. However, massage does not enhance hyponosis for soemone who can get into deep hypnosis without it. I would recommend a massage based progressive relaxation induction for someone who does not like other approaches.


We’ve done three joint sessions with some effect, but I’d like our next session to be a solo one. However, I am open to separate solo sessions with each of you. (You would have permission to share these session experiences between yourselves as you wish.) The massage is nice but it does cause a different session feel that a just hypnosis session and I’d like to re-experience a just hypnosis session.

Similarly, I’m probably cutting B out more than I’d like – you can notice, for example, that these session notes have no massage comments whatsoever. It may be that with X present that I focus there to the exclusion of B and the benefits of her massage and that if it were just B there I’d develop a focus where her efforts are more beneficial. I’ve benefited from hypno-massage more in the past than in these sessions and maybe I need to relearn how.

I’m very confident that a solo session with B would be successful even while I suspect that B might be less confident. I would even expect that B will become much more confident and comfortable with hypnosis as a result of such a session. First off, she would be deciding the session flow without the need to follow another’s (X’s) flow. Secondly, I’d expect that she would have some major hypnotic epiphanies including that the hypnotic state is not that hard to induce or to maintain, that it is not that fragile, that it has multiple forms of expression, and that it can work with her style. My approaches to hypnosis differ in some significant ways from a more typical client but in many ways I’m just another hypnotized person. I am probably a perfect training person for getting used to being a hypnotist because my trances are not fragile, because I can communicate while hypnotized, because I can experience trance in a wide range of styles, and because I’m not loaded with pre-conceived fears of hypnosis or a specific plan I’d like the session to follow. Also, unlike most clients, I can actually teach how to best deal with the hypnotize me – If B finds a point where she is wondering how to get me mentally to a particular point, she can just ask me and I’d probably come up with workable suggestions. I’m confident that the session would be a success, that I’d benefit, and that Helen will pick up hypnotic experience she can start to consider using when appropriate with other clients.

It would also be interesting to have a dual session the week after solo sessions where we’d see if and how my and your reactions have deepened or change as a result of the separate experiences and if that makes the joint experience involve more levels.


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