Sandwiched in

Goddess B and I first discussed some external stresses I am undergoing. After about 10 minutes she triggered me, walked me into the studio, and gave me the usual instructions to undress and get on the table.

Her deepening enchantments consisted of her usual encouragements with a focus on totally releasing and sleep and without any particular focus on surrender.

After about 20 minutes of her enchanting massage, she used the sleepwalk trigger. In my stumbling walk I was lead into her kitchen area and as before hit my head on something hung from the ceiling because my eyes are scanning only the floor and even that is intermediate. It did not hurt me or what I hit, I mention it only as an indication of my mindset during a sleepwalk.

So what was her objective this time? She had me make a sandwich, having me take out bread, chose a meat and quantity, chose condiments, etc and apply them. This I did without much question but I was slightly wondering if that sandwich would play a role later in the session.

I was directed back to the table and her enchantments continued. After another 5 or 10 minutes she had me sit up in a sleep walk. I opened my eyes to see a pendulum slowly swinging and her directives were simply to sleep, sleep, sleep. I do react to these directives. It is not the same sleep as you might have at night, but parts of me notably shut down a bit further. My eyes reclosed and my mind was numb. She had me lay back down face up and she resumed with her murmuring massage.

At one point she read some words the thought would apply to the stressful situations we had discussed.

I probably started repeating some of her murmurs but probably not as much as in some earlier sessions. Then a "first for us" happened …

Somebody else arrived and called to be sure she knew they were there, somebody she knew but probably was not expecting at that exact time. In hindsight, given her busy schedule it is surprising that we have had no interruptions in any of our sessions to date.

She had to briefly acknowledge their calls then continued with her usual pattern but stuck to the massage routine. I do not know if she initially had any additional hypnotic interludes in mind such as doing something with that sandwich, but it does not matter. Interruption or not, she continued to give me her full attention for the full expected time.

As I left, she gave me the sandwich to take with me.

I did ask her later in email about the sandwich and her reply was

The purpose of the sandwich was to take care of yourself. Your schedule seemed to be pressed, so having food available, in case you didn't have time to get some, was meant to keep up your energy level, as well as seeing how you function under hypnosis.

I guess I am busier lately and all three Goddesses seem to know it even if I do not say so directly. They know I communicate less, blog less elegantly, and juggle session times and some of them know some details of the other stuff placing demands on me. All have reacted in their own ways. It seems that I not only have three Goddesses, I have three ladies who mother me a bit.

It is funny how different these relationships are compared to what I read about other hypnotic relationships involving submission. I still see serious ongoing debate about whether it is some sort of serious breach just to think that the submissive one has needs. That seems so ridiculous. All of my Goddesses have needs, and so do I. All of my Goddesses have limits, and so do I. As in any healthy relationship we mutually adjust and strive to fill those needs in each other that we can. It seems so easy and natural to do, and I am doing it with multiple Goddesses. Why others miss this baffles me.


Manifestating a Vision

When I walked in to Goddess X's workspace I found her waiting area rearranged. We took advantage of some furniture and machinery not previously available to discuss progress on my plan to take over the world. (This plan is not related to any hypnotic surrender stuff.) She gave me some very constructive non-hypnotic suggestions which I have incorporated.

We shifted to her studio and she wanted to work on some vision manifestation stuff – basically "what you focus on expands" so you spend time envisioning what you want to happen in the hopes that this will encourage it to happen or make you ready to seize the opportunities to further the vision as they occur.

Her studio furniture had changed also and now featured a recliner chair not previously present. She triggered me into trance in that chair and emphasized the world going away, my worries going away, breathing deeply, etc, and she moved the chair into a reclining position while testing my limb limpness. She did have me surrender to her, but she did not really use this surrender.

Once the trance was firmly established, she had me envision that the next level of what I am working toward had happened, what it would be like, what it would entail, etc. Making this taking over the world thing (an inside joke) more real. I mostly thought about the impact of my vision on people, how it would empower them. It was not in Goddess X's discussion but I also had a realization that I have a rather unique blend of capabilities that enable me to have all that is needed to pull this off. She encouraged me giving this vision some momentum. That is actually not a problem at the moment. The controlling the momentum to be a success rather than a spectacular bust is an issue, but I'm ready for this phase as well. She continued with having me envision the taking over the world thing having already happened, that it was "done", that it had already been created and accepted.

By the way, what I've already done with this vision is one of the things contributing to my unusual situation of having multiple mistresses.

At one point she wanted to ask a yes/no question. This resulted in an interesting hypno-humerious moment. When she asked the question and wanted a finger response, the index finger on my left hand raised. She was uncertain what this meant so she asked "Is that your yes finger?" The index finger on my right hand responds. We both see the humor in this ambiguity and we both laugh.

When we were done with the vision manifestation stuff, she wanted to see if she could explore a family issue. This particular issue is too complex to have hypnotic influences due to possible unintended consequences. What I might want to believe is irrelevant, it truly could hurt somebody if I believed and acted on something untrue or inappropriate. I have much more parenting experience than does Goddess X and I cannot communicate enough understanding of the situation for her to know which suggestions would be appropriate. This complicated family issue requires the application of my analytical thinking.

I think that she really was eager to explore this area and was probably a bit disappointed in my reaction, but she honored my wishes and let it go.

She spent significant time deepening me further. Once there she had me envision leaving my body, floating upward and outward, looking down on my body. From there she invited me to explore any part of the world I wished to explore. She then gave me quiet time in which to do this. I did not stay in any particular part of the world long and my thoughts flittered around both from place to place and to things that had nothing to do with visiting the world. However, I was enjoying the buzzed feeling during the process.

She spent the last minutes of the trance back on the vision manifestation theme encouraging me to take the success of my vision with me.


Handing over Control

I tranced out as I entered Goddess N's studio after spending about 45 minutes on other business with her. She had implanted this trigger in a night call two days before and immediately stepped in to deepen me with her soft voice and light downward touches on my shoulder.

She directed me to sit in her chair and started her session timer – a CD that runs for about an hour so that when the music stops she knows it is time to end the session. (She has never mentioned the CD or what I suspect is its role as a timer.)

Her deepenings were themes of going deeper and deeper, becoming totally submissive, wanting to please her, needing to please her, desiring to please her, going deeper with each breath and suggestion, going into the nirvana of being totally in her control, of doing whatever she would instruct me to do. In her dim studio and with her soft voice it was very easy to fade away to my Mistress of Relaxation.

She had me open my eyes and look to the table next to us where there was a bowl of green and red fruit. (My visual acuity seems to be much less when hypnotized. My eyes are excellent but something about the fog of trance keeps me from observing anything more than the bare minimum needed for the task at hand.)

She wanted me to feed her a grape, but she likes her grapes peeled and of course I desire to please her. With very fumbly fingers I proceeded to peel a grape with as much care as I could. Grapes are not easy to peel in dim light even with full attention, and it definitely took me a long time to accomplish the task. Finally it was ready and I gently feed it to her in two sensual bytes while looking into her eyes.

She snapped her fingers and my eyes closed and I slumped. After a moment of rest she had me again open my eyes and this time look at the strawberries in the bowl. She had me feed her the red ripe strawberry again in two sensuous bytes.

Another snap and another slump and then I was looking at her as she feed me a grape. I savored the flavor and gently and slowly chewed it until another snap and slump. I still had unswallowed grape which she directed me to swallow and I did only with considerable effort and attention.

Again my eyes were opened and I was looking into her eyes as she feed me a strawberry in two bytes. As with the grape, I savored the taste until she snapped again and once again I found it a challenge to finish swallowing.

My eyes were again opened and I was looking at her hands as she fumbled with a small tube. It turned out to be lotion and she wanted me to apply it to her hands and to massage them. My desire was to please her and so I devoted my attention to slowly applying and spreading the lotion while massaging the muscles and trying to draw out the sensual nature of touches to our very sensitive hands and fingers. I would try to slow draw a point of touch from base of her hand along the side of a finger and then back or over to other fingers. First I worked on the bottom of her right hand, then on the top, then on both sides. This was then repeated with the left. All the while I was feeling deeply connected and bonded to this lady who can only be described as my Goddess. It felt timeless.

At several points she directed me to the smell of the lotion and as I sniffed her hand this smell became associated with hypnosis and wanting to please her.

I did have a thought that at least one of my other Goddesses would be envious.

Another snap and more deepening, and then she had me relocate to the massage table that so far had only served as a shelf for her purse. She took my hand and emphisized that it was in her complete control, that she could do anything with that arm, and that I was also in her complete control. I probably repeated some of these ides. She told me that I had pleased her and now she would please me. She then started applying the lotion and massaging my hand. My attention would be on the hand and would fade out for a time and then fade back. She kept talking and suggesting, but I cannot recall any specifics and just remember the pleasant nivanic fog of being in her gentle but complete control and feeling so bonded with her. I did become even more eager to please her, to serve her, to be in her control fully and to need to please her. The time seemed to pass more quickly than it had when I was treating her hands, perhaps this was because of the difference in my level of attention as I was much more passive during this phase.

She woke me up on the table and we chatted briefly as I tried to resist just fading back under, and she told me she had brought those fruits just for this session. She had pondered for several days what she would do in the session. She told me she hand another client due and I jokingly asked if she was cute but of course in reality I do not pay attention to the affairs of her other clients. We completed our goodbyes in her studio and as we walked out to the reception area there were people she recognized, probably her next client, and I left her alone so she could focus solely on them as was appropriate.

I do so appreciate Goddess N and am very grateful whenever we manage to get together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a magical session. Thank you for sharing.

7/26/2005 12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I must remember to have you swallow first completely before I snap my fingers.

I use my CD as a sort of hypnotic trigger for both you and I. Now, I am aware that it does run for an hour. Sometimes, I put on the repeat. I have not conciously used the CD as a timer, but now that it is in my conscious mind .....

7/27/2005 9:28 PM  

She Could Not Wait

Goddess N called me tonight -- she could not wait until our session Friday. I am all set for some sweet dreams, some daytime thoughts, and to be ever so ready for her when we meet.


Patience, sleepy one

In today's session with Goddess B she further enhanced her theme of focusing on sleep with no images with a gradual but definite transition to doing whatever she says.

It took me a bit to settle mainly due to some agitation from a parenting issue. It is interesting that I did not mention any of this to Goddess B this time but I had in the prior two sessions and in two different points she gave helpful parent assisting suggestions such as encouraging patience. (I am very patient, actually, with regard to children. However, the shit I am dealing with would exceed the patience of almost anyone and I've gotten some amazement from all three Goddesses when they hear parts of the story.) At some point she had me in a FunTime sit up and listen to various positive statements such as "right now you are where you need to be". At a different point she had me sit up in a sleepwalk and she used a slow pendulum to have me repeat parenting supporting statements. She also include various supportive suggestions in her background murmurs.

In another sleepwalk, she had me pick up and read the writing on a towel (just some advertisement.) I'm not sure the purpose of it except perhaps she wanted to see if I really am opening my eyes in those times. In contrast she used a FunTime (a more alert but still hypnotized state) to have me make a minor adjustment in her bathroom.

I was chatty in the form of repeating what she said in the middle of the session and then became mostly silent until doing the same near the end of the session. There she had me in a sleepwalk just sit up and clap my hands, etc, probably to see how I reacted while so doing. I suspect I was mostly robotic and expressionless as in a sleepwalk I awaken as little as possible and only the bare minimum needed to fulfill the suggestions.

Goddess B has grown in her hypnotic confidence and willingness to work outside of her prior comfort boxes. The massage aspects of the sessions enforce some routineness to them and limits some of the hypnotic options and she has been very creative in finding things that work within these moments. . (She asked before the session if I was benefiting from the massage – in short "yes") Even with the routine, I am probably more interesting than yet another massage client and we may still have some evolving to experience.


Pink Session

Had a nice session with Goddess X.

The session is unbloggable for at least 10 reasons. Maybe we will drop hints later.

Next: Goddess B and then Goddess N on Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been out of town, I find myself once again drawn to this blog. So....what did go on in this "Pink" session?

7/20/2005 9:36 PM  
Blogger Deep Trancer said...

Only things you would enjoy. Maybe you'll try them Friday.

7/20/2005 10:29 PM  

Distributing Ideas

Goddess B was all business Friday. A small bit of chit-chat and then she gave me the "R" trigger, led me to her massage studio, and gave me her usual instructions to undress and to go deeper as I did so.

On the table her focus was letting go, going deep, surrendering, feeling her touches. She specifically asked me to not have images and later started asking me to sleep. I was definitely buzzing out. Her messages shifted to contain more messages related to doing anything she would ask.

Without warning she gave me the "sleepwalk" trigger and I automatically stood arms out awaiting instructions. She instructed me to cover myself with that towel and I barely opened my eyes as I followed her to the edge of the room, picked up a display towel at her request, walked it to the bathroom, folded it, and returned. It was definitely a walking in my sleep sort of feeling as I needed direction for every part.

After more time on the table I found myself echoing all of her instructions. Interestingly, when I would echo a phrase about going deep her voice would change a bit and she would reinforce it, as if the suggestion was resonating within her. She seemed to clearly want me deep. She also suggested images of white clouds -- nothing more, just white clouds.

Some time later she gave me a "Funtime" trigger with instructions to follow her to her living room. There we sat (where we had played hypnotic UNO in an earlier session) and she told me how to fold brochures she was going to hand out. It was a simple job, but took all of my spare mental resources. She continued to give me a stream of hypnotic murmurs and I repeated many of them. She asked for suggestions on where to distribute them, and I actually came up with one or two pretty good and innovative ideas. It is odd that I could barely place two folds in paper but could be creative about distribution. The mind is there, but the balance of its components is shifted.

It was a very pleasant session for me overall. I was deeply enchanted by the time I was asked to do anything and it all felt natural and desirable.

We will see if she uses the ideas.
Next session with her is Tuesday.


Fixing the Dog

Had a session with Goddess X today (a convention one with the focus on me).

This time the Goddess was graceful, it was the room that was klutzy, but not for long.

We naturally spent some time discussing yesterday's session, what worked, what didn't etc. She thought the insight was brilliant about her downturn coinciding with her interactions with that downer person . She soaked up yesterdays hypnotically delivered messages of love and belief in her and she has been a busy beaver the last day. The discussion was a bit of a brainstorm and in the course of it we found several interesting themes that will find their way into her publications. She loved the dual induction and how it kept her off kilter, and she understands how it is important to humor the hypnotist.

She mentioned a bit of trance literalness, something of which I know the feeling. She had been directed to think of something significant to the problem and she did, but we both forgot to ask her to say it and so she did not. The subconscious mind is literal and it is waiting for instructions.

She noticed that I did not stutter at all during the time of her trance. (I never stutter while public speaking either.) When I stutter or and when I do not intrigues her and I'm sure we will be doing more with it over time.

When she was ready to have the focus purely on me she used the Nirvana trigger. She used a breath focus as she directed me to surrender and submit to her and in a very gentle way kept insisting of a full surrender throughout. She darkened the room and took me deeper still in the chair. She had me become aware of the buzz I sometime develop and had me turn it up.

Her first task for me was to fix her broken dog. She and I basically repeated for an injured hind knee what Goddess N and I had done for Goddess X's spot in her abdomen yesterday. We put our hands on it and directed thoughts and images of the injury healing. Time will see if this helps, but the dog at least enjoyed the experience.

She transferred me to the massage table and had me relax there while she read to me a story/script she plans to use in an upcoming group trance. I knew much of the story due to my knowledge of Goddess X, but it was nice to hear how she had wrapped it. (I discussed some possible tweaks in the post session discussion.)

She used some cycles of opening my eyes, looking for a purple light, and then falling even deeper and more profoundly surrendered.

There was a very nice moment when she put her hand on my forehead, thanked me for being the sort of client and friend I am, and she reiterated her promise that I will never again be without hypnotic entertainment.

She had me stand and take her hand and follow her while still deep and surrendered. I remember feeling unbalanced and awkward, finding it hard to remain upright and to not bump into things. She took me into another room, sat me in a chair and gave me an oversized Teddy bear to hug as if it were her. (Still non-sexual, of course.) She then gave me a series of instructions to slowly count down from 120 and to open my eyes and be surprised that I was in that room. This was partially effective in that there were some feelings of wonder and amusement, but I did have awareness of how I had gotten there. Per her instructions I then found my way back to my normal chair in her studio.

She discussed my writing down ideas for the Mistresses to try and then started the wake up sequence.


Exposing the Shining Light

The purpose of today's session was for Goddess N and I to hypnotize Goddess X regarding an issue in her and this we accomplished.

This occurred in Goddess X's studio. We spent about an hour in pre talk, about half related to what the session would address and about half was spent strategizing. She is about to embark on a new business initiative that is a big thing for her and she thinks Goddess N and I are the best ones with which to work it out.

We already knew the general area of interest and I had noted (but not blogged) some earlier comments from Goddess X on the issue. Basically, a part of her that has always shined is not shining as brightly as it seems it should.

In the course of our discussion we discovered several things. One of the most significant was identifying what might have been a turning point, when positive directions in this turned downward. Like many of us, Goddess X has some vulnerabilities carried over from her childhood and I remembered some events she had communicated to me that coincided in time with the downturn. Goddess N has worked with Goddess X before on a particular vulnerability and noticed that this sequence of events were ones that exposed this vulnerability. It became clear to us that the shining was there, but it had been cocooned by some negative messages dumped upon her by an "energy vampire", someone who listens nicely while looking for the best moment to kick you in the head. Someone who manipulates and raises themselves by lowering others, and this vampire in delivering one of her kicks had landed on a deep vulnerability.

One thing about such pre talks is that we find what metaphors resonate with Goddess X. We had floated a few in conversation that she did not react to or to which she reacted negatively and we floated others that she picked up on as describing her situation well.

Goddess X needed to refocus on this light she radiates to others. She is in the perfect profession for her, and the universe has arranged to let it happen in that Goddess X is in a position that lets her pursue this passion of hers.

I'm a bit reluctant to keep calling her Goddess X in this particular blog entry because so many associate this term with a dominatrix who gets off somehow by domination. It was already known to me but this conversation made it brilliantly clear that Goddess X derives satisfaction by helping others. She stated several times that if she can just have helped just one person stop a life shortening habit then it would have all have been worth it. (She has helped many.) She frets about those whom she cannot help get to their stated goal in a session of two, but when she thinks of it she realizes that all have left improved for having participated. Her passion to help is not what people associate with a dominatrix, but she IS a goddess and I will still call her Goddess X as it is appropriate.

We discussed the incidental effects of her presence. Most of these I cannot include in this blog without revealing too much, but there are a few of the more minor ones that can be shared with this blogged community. One is my story. I arrived as a parched man with an unsatisfied need, and not only did she fill it, she arranged for others to fill it. Jeff approached with two needs and by some magic they seemed to have been filled. (Jeff has got to write more, he has a really interesting story developing. I may have to cede the luckiest man in the world title to him.) Lady Julia made a recording with a theme of complete and total hypnotic surrender, but only for the duration of the trance and I have to think that Goddess X had an indirect influence as this is exactly what we do and have discussed. These are just minor things compared to stuff I cannot blog, but it is sort of a "It is a wonderful life" story, if Goddess X's rays of light had not shone the world would be a darker place today.

It was clear in body posture when Goddess X was ready to be tranced. Her declaration to "Hypnotize me, I surrender to both of you" made it very clear. We did not however come back to the surrender theme, she probably had surrendered, but we did not mention it and did not ask as her degree of surrender was completely irrelevant to what we were doing. What was very relevant was this triangle of mutual trust and love. Goddess X, Goddess N, and I all share deep trust in each other and have shared mental intimacies not known to many others. We also share respect in each other. The energies in this triangle were strong and before we started Goddess X explicitly asked that we touch her (not sexually) – I would not have touched her without this permission but with this I touched and held her hand for much of the time. More than that other than what is described below just was not appropriate to the trance messages.

Goddess N led the induction but I would interject about one sentence to her two. At times I tried to make it be a bit of a double induction giving Goddess X multiple things to track but for the most part we serialized our intertwined efforts. There was no big, flashy, or tricky inductions used, just directions to relax, let go, feel the effect of gravity on her body, etc. Most entrancing was the tone and energy present in that triangle.

In the suggestive parts of the trance, I more or less stuck with reminding Goddess X of her contributions while Goddess N tried to address the vulnerability that can let these shining contributions become cocooned in negative viewpoints. There was one part where Goddess N used a 1,2,3, snap sort of moment to get Goddess X thinking of what she needed.

Getting to root causes, Goddess N placed Goddess X in a childhood prospective and discussed the pain of the vulnerability and the light within Goddess X. Goddess X seemed to feel these as heat in her stomach area and first explored if it was an effect of her hands but then decided it was more than that. Goddess N and I both put our hands there to encourage that part to heal and strengthen and Goddess X requested more of this later in the trance and we both gave her a long dose of both hands.

No reinduction triggers or unusual behaviors were implanted, Goddess X knows that we are both available whenever she needs us. The trance ended when Goddess X was ready for it to end, probably 40 minutes after it had formally started.

Upon awakening, Goddess X glowed. She had been touched and loved in the ways she needed. I knew she was still suggestible for a while after awakening and kept my phrasings and messages as carefully controlled as if she were still formally under.

Goddess X remarked several times how young Goddess N seemed after the trance.

We did have some post session discussions including some jokes about what would be blogged or not. The Mistresses both commented that sometimes they have thoughts like "oh no, he is not going to blog this, is he?" Note: Sensitive entries such as this one are pre-reviewed by all parties before posting.

I have already seen one clear post session sign of her getting back on track.

Tomorrow I have a session where Goddess X will be hypnotizing me. I'm missing Goddess N's interactions but our busy summers have not allowed for much recently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear DT,
I also have missed our sessions that have taken a summer vacation. I too. felt the wonderful energy of the oh so special triangle. It was interesting, our joining each other in a dual induction for a little while.
I look forward to our next one on one sessions again.
Your Mistress of Relaxation

7/13/2005 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Goddess X,
You are a true being of light and have much to offer whether it be one person or the world.
By the way, nothing beats that dual induction that we did on DT!
Mistress N

7/13/2005 4:29 PM  
Blogger Deep Trancer said...

I think we will make a one on one happen next week. Goddess N. It should be fun.

7/13/2005 11:52 PM  

Goddess X's turn is coming

It looks like Goddess N and I will entrance Goddess X on Tuesday. It will be interesting to complete this circle.


Going for a Dip

I had my first session in three weeks with Goddess B.

We chatted a bit about my vacation and then she hit me with a trigger. With no deepening whatsoever she directed me outside to sweep. This really was not effective as even in the best of times I am not deep enough right after a trigger to be blissful about these things, and the triggers had partially worn off.

I know that there are submissives out there who would take joy in serving their Mistress at any time in any task, ones who would just like to be able to serve. That is not me. I can surrender fully during hypnosis into a nirvanic bliss where I do not mind and even desire to serve, but it is an intense and short duration thing. Jumping in with no deepening after a long break did not work well for me.

Maybe she picked up on my reaction, or maybe she was just testing me, but either way the duration of the activity was short and she directed me into the session room with the usual directions to undress, get under the sheet, and call her when ready.

She started her hypnomassage routine but her usual enchanting murmurs were a bit different this time, with much more emphasis on surrendering, being in her complete control, and sleeping without imagery. Normally I'd eat this stuff up, but I reacted slower than usual because of the need for time for the reactions from the first task to die down. Eventually I started enjoying the blissful surrender to her voice and touches.

It was interesting that I had some reaction every time she told me to sleep, some noticeable shift in feeling, a noticeable deepening. It was not that I was losing awareness, but I was losing judgment. With each "sleep" I became more open to her influence, more a distant dreamy observer than a mentally active participant.

The first interlude came when with a "FunTime" trigger she had me get up, cover myself with that towel, and move a flower arrangement from one dresser to another. She had me look at it (my eyes were unfocussed) and asked me if it or the colors reminded me of anything. Nothing came to mind. She asked about my garden at home but while we have many flowers, none if it seemed to resemble what I was seeing.

Getting back on the table there was more of her hypno massage enchantment before she had me raise my head to look at a pendulum she was swinging rapidly close to my eyes. It was hard to follow due to being so close and swinging over such a long arc but I mostly managed. She gave me short instructions to go deeper, to surrender more fully, but did not have me repeat any of them as reinforcement.

After more massage she issued a "Sleepwalk" trigger and directed me to cover myself with that towel and to go to a dresser where there was a candle statue of Mickey and Minnie Mouse in a surf scene. She then told me that it was time to go surfing. I'm normally not good at hypnotic dreams, but I think I may be getting better. There is a dual awareness, where part of me is in the suggested scenario, and part of me is in reality. She had me ride one wave in to the beach and then pick up the board to swim back out. I almost started to try to jump on as I would in a water environment but the part of me rooted in reality told me that this was non-sensible and perhaps hurtful to me and to the wall I would have jumped into. Even then I almost got prone to "paddle" the board back. For me this sort of intrusion of dream sequences into reality is uncommon.

Again back on the table for more hypnomassage. She gave a "Sleepwalk" trigger and I got up and wrapped as directed. She directed me to follow her down her hall and I did this with as little disruption from my sleepy state as possible. My eyes barely opened enough for me to see a short distance in front of my feet as I followed her (she later commented that my eyes seemed closed and she was worried). She directed me to hold my arms in front of me and I went deeper as I did so (I seem to associate this pose with my first images of hypnosis.) It definitely was a sleep-walk in that I had the mental activity and alertness of somebody asleep, just barely able to stay upright and avoid most obstacles. She lead me to the kitchen and brought me up into the more alert "FunTime" state where she had me mix a dip from spices, sour cream, and mayonnaise. I did this with low efficiency with tasks such as scraping the residuals from measuring cup being about all I could muster.

From here it was back to the massage table for more massage before the hour was up and she awakened me.

It is notable that I did not get at all chatty during this session -- at no point did I have the urge to speak. It may be that this was from the emphasis on "sleep".


Turning Away a Mistress

The flu did not happen, so I booked a session for tomarrow with Goddess B. About 30 minutes later Goddess N called asking if I was available tomarrow. Goddess N has the busiest schedule of all my Mistresses so it was with deep regret that I had to tell her I had already booked the time.

It was odd actually to chat with Goddess N on the phone and not in trance. We chat quite a bit in person, but generally when she calls she cuts off the chit-chat and triggers me almost immediately. Between that and having to watch my words in an office environment I probably sounded awkward.

We did start to make plans to jointly trance Goddess X.


Tell Us What to Try -- Revised

A problem with being hypnotized so often my Mistresses in communication with each other is that of running out of ideas of what to include. It is not really an issue with Goddess B because her massage therapy routine alone can easily fill an hour. Goddess X and Goddess N are primarily hypnotherapists and have to fill the entire time with their inductions, suggestions, and images.

I'm soliciting my blog readers for ideas of what the Mistresses might include in a session. I'll collect these and express personal value judgments as to if I think if should be tried on me, but then it will be up to the Mistresses to use them or not as and when they see fit.

You are basically being invited to influence the sessions. As you describe what you might want to see or hear about, you will know that there is a chance it may actually happen. The closest analogy is "Experiencing Jeff's Scenario" where I was the live audience for a recording being made of a scenario that was appealing to Jeff. (Which I also liked.) You get the fun of seeing your idea tried and hearing how it affected me.

Your ideas might include dream sequences, specific actions to direct me to take, temporary changes in my attitudes, roles for me to assume, or anything else. However, if must be remembered that the Mistresses do not interact with me sexually or encourage any association between hypnosis and arousal, and ideas that included such things would be ignored as they simply would not fit into our sessions. It will also help to remember that while I surrender deeply during sessions that my surrender is limited to sessions and ideas that involved impacts outside of sessions are unlikely to be tried. The other limitation is that, sadly, dreams are not that real for me – I do not get so immersed in them that I lose awareness that it is a dream, so some very interesting scenarios might be unavailable to me.

Before submitting a suggestion it would help if you read most of the blog. Not necessarily every article, but at least some from each time period including the early stages.

Don't get offended if your idea is not tried, it may be just not a fit for us. The Mistresses and I take responsibility for the decisions of what to include and anything that is included would be done only in a manner that fits our styles. Even those ideas that are not tried on me might be collected and tried on somebody else or even on you. Wouldn't it be interesting if your own idea influenced someone and resurfaced in the future interaction with you?

While this blog does allow comments, blog comments are not the most practical means for a discussion. Please use the fdhypnovideo Yahoo group for comments. I like this group for the reasons discussed in Light FemDom Hypnotic Videos, they meet my criteria for a well moderated non dedicated group, and it is possible that they might even incorporate some of the suggestions into their productions. (The moderator has been asked and is fine with the use of the group for this purpose.)

What can you do with a tranced male? Tell us and maybe it will happen.


Missed Sessions

This is being a difficult week for hypnosis. First I missed a session with Goddess B due to the holiday on the 4th. Today I had to cancel with Goddess X due to developing possible flu symptoms (I have been exposed recently). On top of this, things at work are changing such that it may be harder to get away so often. Well, she says she wants me to get more eager to see her and that that is surely happening. Maybe something will happen Friday.

I do feel a bit guilty because this blog typically has a new hypnotic event every few days and this makes for a break in the action, but there are so many entries that new readers should find stuff to interest them until the flow resumes.


Fathering Myself

I had a session with Goddess X Thursday.

We discussed a possible session with Goddess N to jointly hypnotize Goddess X. She has already made up her mind to let go for us. However, while she might chose to let go, there are some specific helpful things we will be addressing.

She had me read a letter she was about to post to a group she participates in. I guess it was a test to see if I stuttered while reading it, and I did not. We discussed my stuttering and when it expresses it self and when it does not. It does not bother me and she finds this interesting. Notably I am a very effective group speaker or teacher and have no problems addressing a large room with or without preparation and mesmerizing the audience.

Some discussion of manicures – I need to find a better place.

We discussed what to do this session. She was tired and I suggested that maybe she should chose a theme of mutual interest and trance out with me, but she insisted that this was my time. We discussed possibly trying other styles in future sessions.

After about a half hour of prelim chit chat she triggered me in the chair and spent about 5 minutes deepening me, counting and regulating my breathing, having me put the events of the day behind me, focusing on the sound of her voice and the background water. She then moved me to the table and darkened the room.

She emphasized me being relaxed, floppy, comfortable and reflecting on those terms. She directed me to give myself to her, my thoughts, and emotions, feelings, and to let her nurture me, guide me, comfort me. Losing myself in the experience. Having her voice in my head, cocooning me. Surrendering, letting go. She emphasized that her session room was a place where the rest of the world could go away, where I could relax and completely and fully let go. That each time I enter the room I have the ability to go deeper.

She thanked me for being a good client, for trusting her, for letting go for her. She emphasized that I must obey her, and that this meant that I was compelled to let go.

She placed me in a nature setting and had me approach a child, a younger version of me, and to give that child what he most needed. Interestingly and significantly, I gave that younger me the sort of care and attention I give my children and which was not significantly present in my childhood. I guess that means that I think I'm doing it right. (I have a rather unique history with respect to child rearing and without identifying myself cannot say anything more than I've been a parental influence to many.)

So the net of the session was hypnotic relaxation, bonding, and trying to fill some of the gaps of my childhood. A rather nice and mellow session even if one that is hard to describe.


Which Discussion Group?

I have some information I'd like to solicit from blog readers regarding ideas of what to include in these sessions but before that I would like to hear suggestions as to which discussion group to use.

  • Must already exist -- I do not think a group just for this blog would be worthwhile.
  • Must be active and have members – I’d like to reach out to new readers as well as existing ones.
  • Must be moderated -- Needs to have a moderator that keeps out advertisements for webcams and such.
  • Must not be dedicated -- it cannot be one of "those lists where only the list owner's trainings are allowed to be promoted or where participants are not allowed to even have a link to their own webpages in their siglines" (phrasing taken from the posting guidelines for HypnosisTechniqueExchange).
So, what would be a good discussion group to use for issues related to this blog? Please either comment (which can be anonymous), or send me an email.

This is also a chance to make and distribute a list of all reasonable and active hypnotic submmission friendly discussion groups.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So instead of doing the work required to start run a group, you want to waltz in and at least partially take over a group someone else has worked hard to establish. How lame is that?

7/01/2005 3:51 PM  
Blogger Deep Trancer said...

It is trivial to start and run a group, but there are too many groups already. Most groups welcome activity and my blog and its discussions can bring life to a group. It would be a take over only if the group had no other significant activity and even then I would not be the moderator. If you know of a group where this activity would not be welcome, then don't suggest it.

7/01/2005 5:14 PM  
Blogger Bill said...

You already participated in a group that met your first three criteria. Lady Julia's group is active with many members. (In fact, as far as I can tell, it is the most active of all the hypnosis groups.) It's moderated as to membership. Why is advertising necessary? If you speak of your blog and link it on your profile, wouldn't that be sufficient?

7/02/2005 6:20 PM  
Blogger Bill said...

I would add (because I forgot to mention this) that it's not trivial work to run a SUCCESSFUL group. It takes a lot of thought and creativity to keep conversation going and a lot of time and personality to draw in and retain members.

7/02/2005 6:22 PM  
Blogger Deep Trancer said...

The Lady Julia group changed policy in June to become one of one of "those lists where only the list owner's trainings are allowed to be promoted or where participants are not allowed to even have a link to their own webpages in their siglines".

I was active in the Lady Julia group and at times was a major contributor of life to it when it was otherwise almost inactive. However, this was before the change in policy away from a group of general interest. I continued a few already active threads but when the new policy was applied selectively I ceased.

Speaking about my blog even without including its URL would be an attempt to sneak around this policy and I honor any moderator's policy. Most of my readers join any relevant and interesting group they find, so it easy enough to have the discussion in a group of general interest where the moderators welcome the participation and new members.

7/03/2005 12:46 AM  

Hypnotic Interlude

When you are listening for it, it is surprising how rarely you hear "Gracious" in Mexico, and it was mostly said by my family members which did not seem to count as much as when I heard it from others.

I had my first post-vacation hypnosis session yesterday, with Goddess X. (To be logged later.) This made for a 9-day interval between trances which is not long at all by normal standards but is quite a change for somebody who has been getting tranced 4+ times a week.

I did not miss the trances nearly as much as I would have expected. Some of this probably has to do with being in a generally relaxing environment filled with ocean, pools, and unlimited food and drinks. Some of it has to do with having a different routine in that it may be that even if I were not at a relaxing place but were doing something different (such as visiting national museums) I would still be focused on that and not missing the hypnosis. Some of my not missing it may be that I had reached saturation, the man formerly seeking an oasis in the desert had found it and had quenched his thirst for the moment.

There actually were two things less stressful about not being tranced. The first was not having scheduling worries. One cool thing about the sort of vacation I took was that we could ignore the clock and do things as and when we wished. I don't write about it, but there are complications with arranging things to have the time for 4+ trances a week especially when these arrangements involve multiple other parties. The second was not worrying about this blog. I’ve generally tried to make sure that readers who returned every day or so would always find something new there for them and I can often be found late at night completing an entry.

That said, I am ready to resume my undreamed up immersion in hypnotic fun. While I did not miss it that much in this interlude, it is clear that I would miss it greatly over a longer period. I had enough hypnotized fun saved up to last over an interlude and I did not get the monkey on my back because of this and because I knew that I had multiple ongoing sources of relief still available for me. I can sense that the monkey is still hanging around and if all of this were over he would find a way to again be on my back.

P.S. Funny thing, now that I started blogging again, I have thought of 2 more new articles besides the pending session log. It seems that blogging begets blogging.