What does the hypnotist get?

I've logged in various forms what the hypnotized one gets out of the sessions. But what might the hypnotist get out of them? You would have to ask them, of course, but here are some speculations:

The hypnotists gets full acceptance. They have somebody who does not reject her at all, who accepts her totally and completely. Someone who trusts them and lets themselves be guided. Someone who benefits simply by so profoundly letting go.

They also get someone whom can expand their hypnotic repertoire, whom they can use as a test subject for new hypnotic techniques or for techniques they personally find interesting but which might not often have value in typical sessions. They might even find their comfort zones changing and find things they might take back with them into other sessions.

They can get insight from the feedback from the client. If you are finding this blog interesting, especially if you are a practicing hypnotist, imagine getting such feedback from a client of yours.

They might find the time amusing or entertaining. Maybe weight loss sessions are the bread and butter of hypnotic income - these sessions are not those.

They also get a regular client. Like a massage, the benefits of this sort of release need to be reapplied on a regular basis. I've lasted 4 years with one hypnotist and would have lasted longer except for external events. Regular clients are hard to find, and these clients are benefiting on a continuing basis.

They also, frankly, get a chance to express their bossy side. To do what they want to do knowing it will happen and it will be ok.

I describe my hypnotic escapes as a rebalance of the ying/yang of responsibilities in life. I get a short duration intense letting go of responsibilities and other things that balances out all the other times. There may be some similar rebalancing that happens with a hypnotherapist. Imaging that you have to had to be extremely careful for a very long time to approach the power and influence of hypnosis very cautiously with each client out of fear that they will flee in fear, being so gentle to get them to accept limited influence. Then somebody comes in who welcomes and seeks this influence. You can get it out of your system playing with them just as they are getting other things out of their system by surrendering.

(See also The Perfect Mysterious Male Subject)
(See also Fun for Hypnotherapists!)


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