Intensity in Hypnosis

Brian David Phillips has many good thoughts about hypnosis, there are not that many hypnosis blogs with real content, but he has one and his is worth regular reading. It has some off-topic articles such as something about his best friend's Yoga, but, hey, it is his blog and he can put in it whatever he wants and I'd be disappointed if he stopped posting.

He is also somebody else whose life is a living hypnosis dream. A different dream than mine, but a dream nonetheless. I suspect that many fantasize about experiencing even a small fraction of what his life is everyday. Go Brian!

One particular post, is relevant to me.

It discusses hypnosis as not having depths or levels but having intensity. Hypnosis does have depth, and it does mean something when I go deeper, and these can probably be grouped crudely into levels. Crudely is the operative term, the concepts of depth and levels have some applicability but the concept is a so-so fit. Intensity is a better fit for measuring much of the hypnotic experience.

The intensity displaces all other thoughts, all other choices of actions, all other possibilities. You are intensely involved and you go where the intensity takes you without concern or even awareness of pros-and-cons or of consequences. You just do it.

It just happens that the hypnotist/Mistress/Goddess is deciding what "it" is. They establish the intensity and they direct where it goes and this takes you with it.

The intensity is wonderful, totally involving, totally releasing of all your other life, all of your other worries, there is nothing but you, this intensity, and whatever the intensity involves.

Often the intensity is inwardly focused
Sometimes the intensity is focused on some imagery (e.g. a guided dream)
Sometimes the intensity might be on a behavior in need of changing
Sometimes it might be on your memories or attitudes (e.g. probing)
Sometimes it might be involvement in an action of activity
Sometimes it might be on a focus of serving the hypnotist
Sometimes it might be a focus on the hypnotist herself

(Note: this has not really been done yet in the experiences in this blog. Even in last week's Goddess Mistress eyes open time I was not really focused on Goddess X herself. The emery board and hand kissing are probably the closest so far to a focus directly on the hypnotist.)

There are also times when the experience is of nothingness, but it is an intense nothingness. (You might have to had been deeply hypnotized to understand this one.)

Looking at it from the other direction, if your hypnotic experience is not intense, then you might have spare thoughts, might be critically analyzing everything, might not be fully into the experience, and might not be as fully hypnotized.

When I am under and rambling on about doing everything I am told, wanting to do it, having to do it, submitting fully, being in her complete control, surrendering -- these are all intense expressions. Just read them again and see the intensity.

I think the intensity sometimes scares off the hypnotist. They see it happening, they feel it happening, they feel the intensity, and it is just . . . too intense? They might wonder if it is safe, if it is balanced, if it is close to being out of control, might it be psycho, are they ready for this? I'll never fault a hypnotist for staying within her comfort zone -- that is a core principle that I must adhere to internally and externally because if I did not I might be pushy and that makes for an unworkable dynamic. However as I wrote the first part of this paragraph I starting to wonder if those that back off from intensity are just not that experienced a hypnotist? If intensity is a core part of hypnosis, and if you are getting it, really getting it, from a client, why back off? You've got it, you've established the trance, you've established all that is needed to work wonders -- now just direct the intensity to where you want it to be.


How could one possibly not pay attention, intense attention, when an attractive female is driving?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, my most submissive! Now you understand hypnosis. I love the word intense. Or perhaps...real as in reality. For the more real a feeling is to us(or intense)the more we respond with intensity. A part of your brain does not know the difference between reality and unreality. It responds with intensity. It is only the conscious mind that knows real from unreal. The intensity comes from your unconscious mind.

You will submit to me and be under my safe control as you go deeper and deeper each time you hear my voice. Feel the intensity and.. most submissive.

4/14/2005 11:10 AM  
Blogger Deep Trancer said...

The more intense it is the more real it is, and the less real are the things that are at other times real to me. When you call, when you captivate me, when I develop that intense focuss on your voice, letting your words flow, you become my reality, my universe, and I submit to you and to this reality you create, so much so that parts of your reality remains accepted as my truth even after I awake.

I love this intensity, I love submitting to you, letting you take me deep, finding myself going deep before I even realy acknowledge what is happening, feeling safe, feeling your control. I do so enjoy it and it is so cool that so do you.

4/15/2005 9:33 AM  
Oh yes, my most submissive! Now you understand hypnosis. I love the word intense. Or perhaps...real as in reality. For the more real a feeling is to us(or intense)the more we respond with intensity. A part of your brain does not know the difference between reality and unreality. It responds with intensity. It is only the conscious mind that knows real from unreal. The intensity comes from your unconscious mind.

You will submit to me and be under my safe control as you go deeper and deeper each time you hear my voice. Feel the intensity and.. most submissive.
The more intense it is the more real it is, and the less real are the things that are at other times real to me. When you call, when you captivate me, when I develop that intense focuss on your voice, letting your words flow, you become my reality, my universe, and I submit to you and to this reality you create, so much so that parts of your reality remains accepted as my truth even after I awake.

I love this intensity, I love submitting to you, letting you take me deep, finding myself going deep before I even realy acknowledge what is happening, feeling safe, feeling your control. I do so enjoy it and it is so cool that so do you.
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