Light FemDom Hypnotic Videos

My Deep Trancer persona has participated in discussions in just one Yahoo group, fdhypnovideo. Why them?

First off, the group is well moderated and on-topic. By this I mean that there are not junk or spam postings, and all that is there is related to female hypnotic domination. There are some posts whining about the limits of Yahoo and many stating that one or another of the hypno ladies has pretty legs, good eyes, etc but also in there are some real discussions of this fetish such as ones on its impact on our lives, is it always erotic, a story about a domination gone bad, are we stuck with this fetish, etc.

Secondly, the group is not dark – and that is something extremely rare. I do not see in here any BDSM, humiliation, or building of the mistresses egos at the cost of others.

Third, the group is into this fetish. I don't think that this sort of discussion would really play out well in the major hypnosis Yahoo groups, the domination Yahoo groups are just too dark for me, and most sexual groups are not well focussed and, frankly, are just not interesting with respect to this fetish.

The group is associated with This page and the Yahoo’s group home page have some talk of hypnofems taking over the world, but I see this as puffery – the exaggerations allowed in sales and marketing. I think they are just trying to appeal to what they think their audience wants, within limits. It is those limits that speak the most as by their actions the group demonstrates that they understand that hypnosis should be separate from BDSM and they exclude dark stuff, sexuality explicit/nude material, and highly edited computer graphics. (Also, they have confirmed this in a private email to me.)

So what happens when they get you under their control? Well, after playing around a bit they encourage you to be productive, adopt healthy habits, and generally take care of yourself. It is a bit against their marketing spin, but I’m convinced that behind this group is one or more people like my mistresses, “light” workers striving to help others (with some profit) willing to play into a harmless fetish as long as it stays harmless, and who see that we need safe alternatives to the typically mean and harmful hypno domination offerings.

At any prior time I would have been mesmerized by this group, but as I’m currently in the once-in-my-lifetime situation of having not just a Mistress, but many of them, I’ve only watched their free samples. I was surprised to find any 20-second clip to be effective -- but it was, and this is a serious compliment. I started to develop a definite buzz -- which is very surprising for its length. Going back and reviewing the video and her performance more critically it was still quite good. She manages to keep good eye contact, and her smile just at the end is a real tease -- I hope that was intentional. She gives an impression of somebody who expects it to work, is still surprised that it works, and is delighted that it is working. No distracting mannerisms. I do not know her real hypnotic experience, but if she was just trained for this performance, it did not show. She carries the part convincingly, even to one with significant hypnotic experience.

They make a good point:

Considering a live session with a female hypnotist will cost over 100 dollar an hour, and considering how hard it is to find a good looking, young and experienced female hypnotist who would understand this 'aspect' of hypnosis, this is well worth the investment. The good thing about our video is, you get to keep it, and you get to watch over and over as many times as you like.

They are right – the hypnotists I am involved with regularly charge this price to all of their clients, and we all know that you cannot just walk into a regular hypnotherapist's office and find someone who will understand this need and be willing to offer assistance and support rather than thinking you are a pervert and freaking out or simply declining to proceed. (OK, so I did manage to walk into a regular hypnotherapist's office and do just that, but it is not something that happens often.)

One on one sessions, in person or by telephone, take up considerable time whose cost is born by just one person, you, so these sessions are inherently expensive. You can probably find cheaper help but it is not likely to be effective. You don’t want to pretend to be hypnotized and lose control, you want to BE hypnotized, to feel that control, to feel that intensity, to feel that resulting freedom and lack of responsibility, to enter Nirvana. You also want to come back safe. Somebody with the skills to do this well and to be safe is valuable and you do pay for this value.

The videos cannot be as intense and as personal as a 1:1 session, and they do not adjust to you, but they are affordable. I’ve very wary of any internet hypnotists as there are just too many who start by drawing attention to their gift wish list, who think the path is to destroy your ego or capabilities, or who try to make you dependent on them. These fdhypnovideo ladies are none of this. They seem to want to help and to understand that if they do you will return because of the value you received.

I’m not into giving endorsements, and I’ve not actually watched their full videos, but I have watched this team carefully for some time and not only have they not set off any alarms, they just “feel” right. I suspect that they and my Mistresses would probably get along. Actually, I expect that their first words to each other would probably be something like “Oh, its you!” because the effective and well meaning hypno community is a small world.

Net: Check them out.


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