Manifestating a Vision

When I walked in to Goddess X's workspace I found her waiting area rearranged. We took advantage of some furniture and machinery not previously available to discuss progress on my plan to take over the world. (This plan is not related to any hypnotic surrender stuff.) She gave me some very constructive non-hypnotic suggestions which I have incorporated.

We shifted to her studio and she wanted to work on some vision manifestation stuff – basically "what you focus on expands" so you spend time envisioning what you want to happen in the hopes that this will encourage it to happen or make you ready to seize the opportunities to further the vision as they occur.

Her studio furniture had changed also and now featured a recliner chair not previously present. She triggered me into trance in that chair and emphasized the world going away, my worries going away, breathing deeply, etc, and she moved the chair into a reclining position while testing my limb limpness. She did have me surrender to her, but she did not really use this surrender.

Once the trance was firmly established, she had me envision that the next level of what I am working toward had happened, what it would be like, what it would entail, etc. Making this taking over the world thing (an inside joke) more real. I mostly thought about the impact of my vision on people, how it would empower them. It was not in Goddess X's discussion but I also had a realization that I have a rather unique blend of capabilities that enable me to have all that is needed to pull this off. She encouraged me giving this vision some momentum. That is actually not a problem at the moment. The controlling the momentum to be a success rather than a spectacular bust is an issue, but I'm ready for this phase as well. She continued with having me envision the taking over the world thing having already happened, that it was "done", that it had already been created and accepted.

By the way, what I've already done with this vision is one of the things contributing to my unusual situation of having multiple mistresses.

At one point she wanted to ask a yes/no question. This resulted in an interesting hypno-humerious moment. When she asked the question and wanted a finger response, the index finger on my left hand raised. She was uncertain what this meant so she asked "Is that your yes finger?" The index finger on my right hand responds. We both see the humor in this ambiguity and we both laugh.

When we were done with the vision manifestation stuff, she wanted to see if she could explore a family issue. This particular issue is too complex to have hypnotic influences due to possible unintended consequences. What I might want to believe is irrelevant, it truly could hurt somebody if I believed and acted on something untrue or inappropriate. I have much more parenting experience than does Goddess X and I cannot communicate enough understanding of the situation for her to know which suggestions would be appropriate. This complicated family issue requires the application of my analytical thinking.

I think that she really was eager to explore this area and was probably a bit disappointed in my reaction, but she honored my wishes and let it go.

She spent significant time deepening me further. Once there she had me envision leaving my body, floating upward and outward, looking down on my body. From there she invited me to explore any part of the world I wished to explore. She then gave me quiet time in which to do this. I did not stay in any particular part of the world long and my thoughts flittered around both from place to place and to things that had nothing to do with visiting the world. However, I was enjoying the buzzed feeling during the process.

She spent the last minutes of the trance back on the vision manifestation theme encouraging me to take the success of my vision with me.


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