Experiencing Jeff's Scenario

I got an interesting call from Goddess X today (not as interesting as Jeff got, but I'll get to that). She had tried to make an mp3 recording for Jeff as part of his session with her (see Love Across the Ocean) but she had tried a new microphone and the quality was not right. She wanted to retry and wanted to know if I could come over to be the one she would be talking to while making it. What a deal! I had a session with Goddess B scheduled but did have a bit more time so I agreed to pop into Goddess X's studio right afterwards.

Those doorway trance triggers are fun, but sometimes they can be inconvenient. Gardeners were working right outside her door and as I tranced out in the doorway she quickly let me inside enough to shut the door. I wasn't really worried about them anyway. She did tell me that one of them earlier had asked what she does and reacted with curiosity she said she was a hypnotist. "The hypnotist and the gardener" sounds like the title of a mcstory entry.

It's funny. I used to read mcstories avidly, but now I'm not. I'm living a mcstory instead. Goddess X and I chatted about how unreal this story is, how it has taken on twists and turns that are far outside any expectations. So what happens next? Another twist, of course.

Goddess X noticed that there was a chance she might catch Jeff at home and he had told her to call anytime, so she did. It was after all to be his recording and it was built around a favorite fantasy scenario of his. He was home, and he could be available in 5 minutes. He and I even chatted briefly, and while I have wielded a pen in this blog, this was the first time I had a voice outside of the circle of my Mistresses.

Goddess X then had the phone and Jeff did something that practically made my jaw drop in envy – he put his wife on to talk to Mistress X! He is one lucky bloke! I would have agreed that he was the luckiest man in the world except for one thing, I was there in person with Mistress X. Living this story makes me feel like the luckiest man ever.

His wife is a reader of this blog. Welcome. You and Jeff are free to email or contribute anytime. I'd personally love to know what changes you see in Jeff from the viewpoint of being his wife, and how you feel about his participation. Maybe I'll even find something in there that might help me sell the idea to my wife. (I wish). I'm sure many of my readers would also love to hear your viewpoint.

Through Mistress X, Jeff asked me for tips on how to better go under. The question surprised me and I didn't have much of an answer ready. Goddess X describes me as one of her best subjects ever, but I know I was not always this way so it must be an acquired skill. All I could really think of was that while it is so tempting to want to treasure and hang on to every hypnotic word because they are so rare, you might go deeper if you let go of even that need. (However, I don’t think that at the time that I expressed it clearly.)

It was time for the trances and recording to start. Mistress X used a style of speaking with pauses, with her speech starting out sort of fast and then getting slower as we got deeper. It was quite effective as I found myself dreaming in the gaps, basically filling in the scenario with details drawn from my experiences. I don't remember much about the induction and, like the excellent hypnotist she is, Mistress X created a seamless transition from induction to scenario.

The scenario was basically of being in a room or large hall and being drawn to an attractive lady. She charms you with comforting words but draws you in subtly until you end up in her complete control. Neat. She should start selling this.

I was enjoying the story when all to soon it ended (it is always too soon). As it ended I had a flash of awareness that Jeff was also participating, that somebody else was going on this ride with me. While he and I may have filled in the details differently and while we naturally experienced the trance and scenario in unique ways, we were significantly locked in sync by us both being in sync to Mistress X's words and instructions. That was a new feeling, but not an unwelcome one.

Jeff and I chatted briefly afterwards. We agreed to each not read anything from the other until we had finished independent write-ups, I would blog them both, and if we wanted we could then comment on each other's story.


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