She Told Me to Choose a Pretty One This Time

Today during a hypnosis session with Mistress X she filed my nails. She noticed that they are not looking nearly as nice as they have been (I had been kind of hoping for another hypnotic manicure interlude and was hoping N or X would order one, but the nails got long and I did a typical guy hack job on them. ) They are too short and uneven to do anything with, but she instructed me to have them done before I see her again.

She also told me to choose a pretty one this time, maybe go to a quieter nail salon and maybe even say something about finding it hypnotic and sort of trancing out and see if they then don't feel like they are supposed to chatter.

As readers may know from Hypnotized twice by mysterious strangers and Mani-Hypnotized * 20, when I had previous hypnotically ordered manicures, I basically took the high road and did not choose the manicurist based on their looks or attractiveness. On the other hand, as described in Choosing a Pretty Stranger to Hypnotize You, if I'm going to do it I might as well have the most enjoyable experience possible.

So, I really do get to "go shopping" for a place that will give me a nice and quiet manicure experience (with hypnotic overtones not known to them) from somebody I will find pleasant to be working on me.


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