Mani-Hypnotized * 20

At exactly 3:00 on the 20'th I developed a need to get a Manicure (see "Submitting to Mistress N"). I had been sort of clock watching and I pretty much knew why. I was checking every 5 to 7 minutes, but lost track, looked up -- it was 3:00 exactly, and my expectation that I would be needing to get a manicure shifted suddenly to one of needing a manicure and needing to do something about it soon.

There is a small Asian nail salon on the block with my office. I walk by it often while strolling and have noticed that it is not busy in the afternoons. The first time I ever went into a nail salon was the last time Mistress N installed this compulsion in me (see Mistress N's Effects, Choosing a Pretty Stranger to Hypnotize You, and Hypnotized twice by mysterious strangers and I had not cut my nails since. This was the same place as before.

I ended up seeing the same lady as before. This time my fingers went loose and limp, basically submitting to her manipulations. That was it until
she pulled out an emery board. Oops, I guess that suggestion is still hanging around. (See The Mistress Thing -- Log) The effect was not as powerful as before, but I was buzzing out except
she was a yammerer today! I guess she got more comfortable with me and did more small talk -- and it is hard to be buzzed and be effective at smalltalk. She did try to upsell me on a pedicure -- it worked. Normally I'm hard to upsell, and I'm not at all into having my nails done, but it seemed like a good way to extend the buzz. Was it a hypnotic effect? Did I accept the upsell because I was buzzed? It certainly did not hurt, but I think I might have decided to on my own just to enjoy the effect longer

I like manicures better. They don't tickle.

We moved from a semi-isolated manicure station to a row of 3 massage chairs with foot baths, with the other two chairs in use. I sat in the empty one at one end and she started this foot jacuzzi. No big deal, but in the next position was -- another emery board -- this time held by a more attractive lady working on the nails of a 35ish fairly fit Asian lady. I started zoning out a bit to that and the person doing the pedicure next door saw it and smiled a bit -- she probably thought I had a foot fetish, I really doubt that she could have suspect that I have an emery board compulsion and she was triggering it.

The nail trimming on the feet was not very interesting, and when the emery board came out for my feet it did not work all that well, probably because I was in essence being tickled at the same time. I'm not very ticklish, bit these toes were undergoing more external manipulation in these 20 minutes than they've had in my entire aware life outside of some massages.

So I paid and left. They might be wondering if I'll be a regular. So am I.


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