Tongue Tied

Had a quick telephone hypnosis treat from Goddess X. Triggered with her strongest trigger, and just taken into her pleasant voice. Received various reminders about what I like about the trances.

She decided to relax my jaw, facial, muscles, and tongue specifically so that they would be too relaxed to talk. (She no longer needs much feedback from me, she knows where I am mentally.) Then she got playful and gave me back some mouth and tongue movement, but not enough to form words. (I don't remember how she phrased this.)

Hypnosis is the funniest thing. Yes, I felt relaxed and was enjoying her voice, but I was in a car in an environment that was not as isolated as I had thought it would be, and it seemed to me that I was not really paying that much attention to her specific instructions. Until I tried to talk, that is.

When I tried the mouth and tongue coordination just was not there. Sort of a Novocain effect + cotton mouth + something else. I could make a few sounds, but could not get my tongue moving properly to form and shape them. I was somewhat surprised at the suggestion's effectiveness, I knew she had done this to me, I knew that it was because I was hypnotized, but none of that helped me speak. I truly was tongue-tied.

I laughed about it, and she had me think of giving that note to Mistress N and I laughed harder (as did she), but she promised to not give hints anymore.

She had me tell of a dream I might have had last night about Mistress N, or to invent one, and one started to spring into my mind regarding being on my knees before her in a 1:1 in person session we are planning this week. (We are planning the time, Mistress N is planning the activities, and I've given her carte blanche.) Couldn’t get that out, maybe a syllable or two at best.

I also tried to describe how Goddess X is my Goddess, my prime one, my provider of all things hypnotic, and to describe how I feel with her and what I like about her and to otherwise confirm her Goddess status with me. I hope she got all of that in the few mangled sounds I managed. I suspect that she had no clue I was trying to say that until she read this blog.

She also had me envision standing in front of her, looking her deeply in her eyes, looking at a pendulum, and ???. I did form a good mental image of these.

I'm not normally much of a dreamer or receptive to guided imagery, it is just not very real for me, but as I write this blog I do notice one area where I am much more susceptible and that is images relating to being hypnotized or activities in hypnosis. This is sensible as I think about it. Hypnosis is dreamy anyway, and I'm already feeling those feelings, so it is a smaller jump to think of experiencing that in a different way or place. My being in front of her was significantly real to me today, not indiscernible from true reality, but real enough that I was not paying attention to the differences, I was "in the moment" as she described it.

She woke me up with instructions to continue to want to assist and serve her even when awakened, but a set time period, but to be productive in whatever my remaining activities for the day were to be.


After being awakened, we chatted a bit about the "Success with Vanilla Hypnotists" thread going on in Lady Julia's Yahoo group. (By the way, don't call Goddess X vanilla; I'm pushing it a bit even by quoting that subject line.) She wondered how did I get her into this (or how did we get us into this). It is a good thing I kept a blog.

See the next entry.


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