Even More Trance Safety

I've been thinking about LadyJulias page on trance safety. which I mentioned in Trance Safety Tips. I still agree with all that it contains, but it does not go as far as I would prefer.

I'll illustrate with a quote from Texas Trancer of the Hypnotic Relationships group.

> [Mistress ...] will install a post- hypnotic command
> to buy some of her products! it worked on me

Some of the suggestions in Lady Julia's safety-net might have helped. In particular that the session has a purpose, and that you can chose to accept or reject any suggestion.

However I think that the best safety net would also incorporate suggestions to the following effect:
· You will ignore any suggestion to make any purchases or click links
· You will ignore any suggestion that will lessen the effectiveness of other hypnotists
· You will ignore any suggestion that will change the triggers you use with another hypnotist
· You will ignore any suggestion that will limit you to just this hypnotist
· You will ignore any unanticipated suggestion to return
· You will ignore any unanticipated suggestion that has impact on you outside of the hypnosis

Basically, if you buy and if you return should be because you were satisfied, not because you were hypnotized and suggestible. If you get more or other satisfaction elsewhere then there would be no interference with that. Your suggestibility and surrender is not an invitation to be abused for the hypnotist's gain. That is the fundamental difference between light and dark hypnosis.

I am still very thankful to Lady Julia for making this safety net available, it is the only one I know of and she is doing it out of compassion.

Readers: Maybe you can take this blog entry as your own extra safety net. Just think about the above suggestions, see if you agree with them, and then think about them some more. This by itself will install a good level of resistance.


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