Jeff's Story

Goddess Mistress X forwarded the dialog below for posting with Jeff's permission. In it we discover Jeff who agrees that being hypnotized is the whole point and not just an incidental means to an end and who also dislikes the BDSM and harsh portrayals of this kink. I envy that he is out, that he has come clean with this to his wife and close friends.


Dear Mistress X,

I have just finished reading the “hypnotic Surrender website.. Superb!

I felt compelled to write, but didn’t know where to begin, or indeed, what it is I want from this communication. Consequently, I've attached below a copy of an email I sent way back in June 2002, to a wonderful lady called “Look Deeply” She is also a hypnotist who has spent time helping hypno-fetishists like me. If you don’t know of her, you may find her website interesting. It is I do hope I'm not being too presumptuous.

As you can see, at the time I felt I was maybe unusual/weird or worse, alone in this interest. However, as a result of meeting her online, and being introduced to Hypno communities on Yahoo, life really took off, even to the point of meeting my, now wife Linda. She is fully aware of my interest in this and really, it'’s through this interest that we met, thank God! Most of my close friends are also aware of this, I've come clean.

Anyway, once the excitement of discovering I was not alone in this interest died down, I have become more and more disillusioned, that this kink is always portrayed as BDSM, or harsh domination, cruelty etc, or indeed that the hypnosis is just a means to an end. That'’s not it at all for me. The being hypnotised is the whole point! No one else seemed to get that.. Until Now and your wonderful website and postings.

As I said, I don'’t know why I communicated all this to you, but please forgive me it sure felt good getting it off my chest.

Good luck with “going public” and if you know half a dozen female hypnotists in the UK who would like to follow a similar path to you, I would be delighted to be the proverbial guinea pig.. I wish!!

All the best



Dear Look Deeply, firstly, thank you for this wonderful website.

Where on earth do I begin? I have so much I need to tell you. I'm hoping, just writing this email will prove to be somewhat cathartic.

May I introduce myself, my name is Jeff, I live in London.

I really appreciate that you are a very busy person, so apologies for the length of this outpouring of my soul. Yes, it really does feel like that.

I need to give you some background, as to why I feel so euphoric about finding your website. I'll try not to create the sequel to "war and peace"

I celebrated my 40th birthday in March, upon turning 40, I arrived in the 21st century, by getting my first computer (sad but true) once I’d figured out how to use it, I got on the net and started to search for the answers to my deepest fantasy/desire/fascination with hypnosis. I was starting to wonder if I was alone in the world. Having fruitlessly searched for anything to do with this subject(that was bordering on obsession) You see, I’ve had this deep fascination with the thought of being hypnotised by a woman since I was about nine years old. Consequently, after trying for all those years, to find someone, anyone, who had heard of anything similar, or indeed shared my passion, seemed impossible. I haven't ever really been able to share it with anybody. I suppose, because I felt it wasn't normal. Occasionally one would see movies where a woman would hypnotise someone and I would move heaven and earth to make sure I saw the particular film. But now, I’ve discovered I’m not alone in this, thank you !!

However, I'’m finding it difficult to understand my feelings, about this enormous, if suppose relief, that I am normal and that there are people who share this desire.

I have this yearning to share this wonderful discovery with someone, but fear that my friends may not understand. thirty one years is a long time to wait to find the answers to something, that to me is so important.

Now, as if by some sort of guiding energy, I have found your website and I really feel like I need to understand more about this desire. Or do I just need to accept it, enjoy it and relish in the fact that I'm not alone in this? Whilst I am ecstatically happy about my discovery, I feel somewhat frustrated, because, I don't really know what the next step is.

I should also add (confession time) that I have previously visited a female hypnotherapist, because I just had to know how it felt. I'm a little ashamed to say that whilst she was performing the induction, I found it to be a huge turn on and felt like such a pervert afterwards, as nice as it was, I wasn't able to be open about it and didn't feel that was fair to her.

I do hope that you find time to read this and that I haven't bored you to tears, if I have, I’m sorry. Suffice to say, I would love to hear from you. Is there any way to contact people who share this fascination?

Once again, thank you so much for this exceptional website.

In deep anticipation of your reply.

Best Regards


Hi Jeff, I'm glad you're enjoying HS. It IS fascinating, isn't it?! And I'm glad that you're OUT and able to talk about it to others. That has been very liberating, I'm sure. I wonder how you would feel about sharing your post with the list? I think folks would love to hear your experience. And they would most definitely get a lot out of it. The more people that share, the better for all, I believe.

Being hypnotized is nice, isn't it ; - )

Hypnotically Yours,

Mistress X

Well Jeff, I don't think we know a half dozen female hypnotists in the UK who would like to follow a similar path to you, but maybe we can help a half dozen learn of this path that they would like. I love having dedicated blog hypnofetish guy readers because it is great to be "out" even if still hidden, and it is good to know that others share this passion. We are hidden (well, not you, lucky guy), but we are not alone. However, my bigger objective is to let female hypnotists see that this is a path they can follow, that it is fun, and that it does not compromise them or drag them into meanness or aspects of BDSM that they might find repulsive. I hope that our stories will inspire female tists all over to accept that this could be for them and that it could put them in contact with some really nice and really loyal guys.

Some tist commented that there are about a million of us guys to every female willing to participate. Well, I've found several nice female hypnotists willing (and even eager) to be hypnodommes and all it really took was for them to see that it benefited me, that it did not compromise them, and that it was fun. The hard part is getting this message to them. (Thanks, Goddess X.)

Thanks, Jeff, for sharing your story as it helps build what I hope is a convincing case. I hope others will share as well.

-- Deep Trancer


P.S. I do find one thing sort of hypnotically humorous in this communication. Jeff said "I felt compelled to write, but didn’t know where to begin, or indeed, what it is I want from this communication". The interesting thing is that this showed up shortly after Goddess Mistress X did a little text trancing in the "Spillover, Cost, Relationship limits" post where she suggested that you "Share, my friend, your story. Your words. Your truth". She also suggested that "didn't that feel good?" and Jeff did state that "it sure felt good getting it off my chest".

I think it is could be concluded that Jeff did indeed read the website with deep attention. ;->
I know how he probably feels. Hypnosis is so fun!

So my readers, if you want to experience a bit of hyponofun, why not simply decide to relax, open your mind, let go, and reread Mistress X's comments at the end of "Spillover, Cost, Relationship limits". Maybe you too will find yourself experiencing a pleasant and cathartic hypnotic compulsion.


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5/04/2005 5:45 PM  
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