S S S Surrendering

Session with Goddess X:

Greeted, normal chit-chat. Explained her business attire was from another meeting, not there in preparation for me.

She told me that I look good, I guess I'm getting a lot of hypnofun

She had me sit in her living room, not in her studio. More chit-chat.

Discussed my stuttering (not terrible but often present).

Tranced in her living room chair. Taken fairly deep and given suggestions that certain doorways on the way to her studio will be trance triggers, with my going into different levels of trance as I pass each.

She had spent some time deepening, and I was probably physically relaxed. (She applied a hand limpness test several times through the session.) As she was getting ready to awaken me I had a thought wondering if she was looking at me and thing "boy, he is really hypnotized, he is really gone, gone, gone"

Awakened and then exited the building so that I could reenter and experience the doors. I'm not sure how well it worked, but from her reactions it must have been working pretty well.

I was escorted to her studio and put into the rocking chair. Some deepenings, and after a short time I was placed on the table.

Lots of suggestions of profound surrendering, profound relaxation. These were often delivered in whispers. Some "bringing me up a bit" at points so I could be more responsive.

I had a definite smell, some definite but not super strong fragrance. I interpreted it almost as if it were chloroform, envisioning myself being forced by it to more fully surrender. She identified it as lavender and built up an association between it and relaxation and suggested that I get some around my household.

Suggestions were given about my stuttering, that I would basically take more time in speaking. I had some concerns because I am a fast talker and there is some association between fast talkers and perceived intelligence, so my fast talking probably serves me. Still, I accepted the suggestions.

She started building up a laughter reaction, and then anchored it to a "Pleasure Now" trigger I could self administer to feel that feeling again to replace stress.

Talk at the end about how she and the other Mistresses are having a hard time coming up with ideas, but that it might just be that they are still learning to leave their boxes.

The net of it was that this was a basically therapeutic session enabled by authorative hypnosis focused on me surrendering totally to her. It did not have much Mistressy stuff in it at all.

However, she still called herself Goddess Mistress.

We discussed some of what had happened with B I volunteered in an awake state that given her influence over me that I'd voluntarily bow out of recognition of this. After a moment she gave me a "go ahead". It was a disaster. Interference by the dog, and not the feelings I expected. In hindsight, I can speculate that in trance I am aware of only one implication of the kneeling, whereas out of trance I am aware of all of them and this gets complicated.


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