Massage focus

Notes from a session with Goddess B

Was tranced with the "R" trigger unexpectedly while in the hallway. I basically just stopped in my tracks with my eyes closed and gentle swaying. She had me follow her into the room and then applied the "N" trigger. She gave me slow instructions to undress and that with each removal I would slip deeper into nirvana.

I had sent an email requesting some extra massage attention paid to a part of my back I abused with poor posture over the weekend, so she decided that this session she would have me mostly focus on the massage.

She fairly quickly gave me suggestions that identified her as a goddess, that I was to surrender fully, and that I was to be in her total control. She came back to the surrender suggestion many times during the session, perhaps so much that it lost some of its power. I was wishing she would throw in more variants like the being in her total control declaration she used at the beginning. She did have some, just not as many as I might have preferred.

She directly asked "who controls you" and had me verbally acknowledge both that I was taking care of myself and that I was surrendering into her control.

There were quite a few suggestions to sleep and I did have many more spontaneous sleep-like dreams of things unconnected to the session, like a flash of a video game, or images from a recent trip. I would often jump back from these with a feeling that I should have been paying more attention to her words, touches, and commands. So I was probably falling into and out of a light sleep even while the suggestions were coming.

She did inject images of her own, mainly of trees and openings to clouds.

With very little warning, she just shifted to a louder and more firm tone and instructed me to basically "sit up on the edge of the table with your legs outstretched, [sleepwalking trigger]" and I instantly shifted from that passive state to being as requested, but my mind was pretty numb, I wasn't thinking of much else except waiting for the next thing from her. She had me lower my legs, then my arms and then lay back on the table. I think she repeated something like this later and had me put my arms behind me and lean back into them, but it might have been in the same sleepwalking, I can't remember.

I was more aware of her touches, sometimes even tracking the individual fingers. The massage was not all soft strokes, loosening muscles takes some pressure that can be momentarily uncomfortable but leaves you better off – this is much more pleasant when hypnotized. I did leave with the part of my back that had been clinching and semi-spasiming loose and relaxed.

She had me wake up and sit up and talk to her – I remember that being a particularly difficult and slow wakeup. I'm not sure what we talked about but I think I expressed satisfaction at what she was doing and then got "N"d back.

Her other directed activities were purely physical such as rolling to one side and raising an arm (she did this twice). I did all of these without question and qithout thought. I did at one point almost roll off the table while coming off of some activity (she stopped me). I knew that I was probably going to roll off, but that was just an interesting curiosity, and not something worth of initiating a corrective reaction on my part. If she had not stopped me I probably would have blissfully flopped to the floor. Also as she tried to reposition me I gave her as much assistance as a waterbed would – none at all, until she asked me. This sort of inattention to the obvious is one common effect of hypnosis.

Toward the end of the session I got more chatty, as I often do after having been under for a while. I was basically acknowledging that I liked being ordered about and was wanting a longer period of it, basically a longer sleepwalking where she could just enjoy being a Goddess and I'd just enjoy being under and responding. Goddess B is not that experienced, but she is experienced enough to know not to take hypnotized mutterings too seriously (I am only semi-coherent at times, and the mutterings can be more of a flow of semi-consciousness thing than intelligent serious requests) and she stuck to her plan. However, she also listens, so whatever mutterings I said might make it into future sessions should she find them to fit.

As usual, the waking up was a disappointment, but there is always next time.

It is so cool to know that there will be a next time.


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