What is it with forgetting?

I seem to be strongly attracted to the possibility of forgetting. Why?

Somebody on a Yahoo discussion site said it well.
... allowing yourself to go deeper than you have been. When you get to the point that your conscious mind is no longer so curious...or so insistent that it *must* micro-manage the whole process...in order to feel safe enough to let go, then you will get there. It can be a little frustrating too, because I think its pretty natural to want to know what went on while you were there. But, as you develop trust in your unconscious mind, and see the positive results in your life, your unconscious mind will likewise trust you more, to not interfere in its job, and allow you to watch and even have conscious input eventually.

This resonates with me. When I'm forgetting it is because I've let go so much that I've stopped micro-managing and am trusting. It represents a true letting go. Taking a break from the responsibilities and self-micro managing is one of my core goals and benefits. Like surrendering to another’s control, forgetting is getting away from it all. It is even getting so far away that you bring nothing consciously back.

Somebody else wrote
Ask why you are not allowing yourself to forget and then ask - is it okay for me to forget what happens in trance? Is it ok to forget SOME of what happens?

Probably my biggest obstacle to forgetting is that I find hypnosis fascinating and I naturally want to know what went on while I was there. Who wants to forget something so cool? On the other hand, its is pretty cool to forget and I'm currently amazed at how much forgetting I'm doing. Funny thing though, I'm happy about forgetting and the times with the most forgetfulness are associated with the most release, probably because they were the times of the deepest letting go. If I'm forgetting, then I was truly gone.

Forgetting also represents the ultimate freedom and release from responsibility. If not even you know what you did there is no possibility of guilt or remorse. Similarly, if you know that you are going to forget you can completely surrender to the moment knowing that nothing, literally, will come from it except for the residual effects of the release. (Of course, you may also have residual effects from whatever the hypnotist might have implanted while you are there -- why is she smirking?)

Find someone you trust, surrender, and forget all your troubles (and everything else) -- you'll come back just fine and possibly improved in ways you will never recall.


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