Wondrous Possibilities

One problem of having multiple mistresses is the scheduling of them all. Goddess X had already moved me once this week at my request to accommodate another hypnotist, but Goddess N late last night unexpectedly became available at that new time.

So, today I will be seeing either Goddess X or Goddess N, I don't know which, it depends on if Goddess X will make a second change for me this week. The request news arrived too late last night for her to reply.

As I was primping this morning I was looking forward to my hypnosis session but had an extra sense of wonder at not knowing if it was going to be X or N, the Red Rose or the Yellow Rose. Both are treats, and both are surprising me, so I don't really know what to expect anyway, but to toggle between anticipation of the Red Rose or the Yellow one is an interesting wonder. Sort of like a confusion induction, but slower.


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