A shocking question

Mistress X asked a shocking question regarding my now having so many Mistresses
"I hope that doesn't dilute the excitement"

I am not shocked that she asked it, but I imaging that many of my readers, at least those who resonate with me, are in a shock of disbelief. Let me make a stab at our common answer.

You must be kidding!

I might like to leave it at that, but one purpose of this blog is to communicate the viewpoint of those like me so I will try to explain.

First, let's try an analogy

Imagine that you have been on very tight water rationing your entire life, never getting as much as you wanted, often getting none at all, and being afraid to even ask. Then somebody shows you the Mississippi river and then apologizes for diluting the excitement.

I have never heard of somebody who has had an abundance of this great gift. I have heard of people getting it, maybe even getting enough of it, from one person or two, but it has been a very rare and very hard to find resource and even those who have access to it know that their access is fragile and possibly temporary.

If I had read this story in somebody else's blog I'd be totally envious, probably losing sleep thinking about it, checking the blog frequently, wishing I could somehow get it. I would also see it as a bit of hope, that if it happened over there maybe something like it could also happen to me.

As Mistress N has commented, part of the excitement is the mystery. I've explained why I like surprises. What could be more mysterious and unpredictably surprising than having multiple Mistresses?

I was going to say "maybe it is a guy thing" but that is not quite right. There is one factor, however, that while it does not apply to me might apply to other guys. This is the danger that the guy might read or make more of the relationship than it is, that they might fixate and try to cross boundaries. Starving people fixate on food and on their food supplier. Having more than one supply makes it easier to maintain prospective.

So, it dilutes the starvation, but it does not dilute the excitement.

What it might dilute is the intensity of the interaction between any two of the parties. However, so far I find that having multiple sources has intensified my reactions. Getting zapped by Mistress B has not reduced in the slightest my appreciation and intensity of involvement in my dealings with you, Mistress X, and my time with Mistress B has been getting more intense over time, as has my interaction with you.

There must be a limit but how that limit expresses itself is not known to me. I would like to try to imagine what having hundreds of Mistresses would mean, but I cannot. I'm just coming to terms with having a reliable one, then two! Now a third has entered, but just once so far, and a forth is due. I am having a hard enough time imagining dealing with what I have and will have to come to terms with it before I can speculate as to what the limit might be.

In practice, the limit is probably imposed by logistics.

There is also, I am amazed to find, a saturation point, a time when there is enough hypnosis in your life. A person starved their entire life would be amazed the first time they felt the odd feeling of having a full belly. That same person after an extended eating binge might find that they reach a steady state where their diet is normal and they are content. You have given a long time starving person a buffet, of course they are excited.

Here is a dream I could have had before meeting you, Mistress X.

Wouldn't it be nice to look over the set of available therapeutic hypnotists, read their backgrounds, read their trainings, read their blogs, basically try to learn what sort of people they are. Then wouldn't it be nice to simply book a session and go in and get a fix for this kink? Of course it will never be quite that simple, but it would be nice to be able to walk into any "normal" hypnotherapists office and feel comfortable asking for this.

You have no idea how many therapists I've read up on, scanning all they have made publicly available, trying to infer if there is any chance that they might be supportive of this, if they might be willing to help.

Ok resonating readers, wouldn't you like to be able to walk into any reputable therapists office and be able to ask for this, just as you might ask for help with weight control or smoking?

Let me ask another question of my readers, one that I don't expect to get answered but if it did it would be reveiling:
  • What theraputic hypnotists have you thought about approaching for this need, and what was it about them that made you consider them?


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