I was "out"

Thinking of my last session with Mistress X I have to face the realization that I was "out". I know she had me doing and thinking more things than I have logged, I remember that it was a "rich" session full of things, but I can't remember what they were, and I can't even try very hard to remember - my thoughts just move away from thinking about it.

I remember remembering that things were happening, but that is it. I don't think she told me to forget, ironically I tend to key on and remember those.

I think another hypnotic effect happened, one that Mistress B has become very adept at using. If you have me do many activities, keep me busy, keep changing things, then I'll tend to retain details of only the border activities - the first and last ones. The middle ones fade. I've heard of people doing this with stories where they will start a story and in mid story start another and then in mid story start the story they really want to implant, then they finish the outer stories. This is said to leave the subject with recollections of only the outer story(s). I think it is the same with having many events in a session, I don't get contemplation/memory lock in time, and later events supplant earlier ones.

Part of it this time probably has to do with some emotionally intense post-hypno discussions. These occurred during the time I would otherwise be locking in hypno memories. I've heard of an amnesia producing effect of redirecting the subject's attention immediately after trance, so that they jump straight to that and after a few minutes basically forget that they were even tranced. I don't think X meant to do that this time, but some of that happened.

Ok, so maybe this is not quite being "out" which I consider being so deeply gone that you are not forming the memories at all, a hypnotic coma perhaps, but it has the same effect. She had me under, I think I did whatever she commanded, and I know only that I did it.

It is cool, actually.


On the topic of being out, I have wondered about the effects of drugs on hypnosis. What would happen if you were hypnotized, given some anesthetic hypnotic agent, faded out to a dual induction, had those going into your mind, then faded back in with it still going? Would those suggestions be firmly planted? I really don't know, mainly because I don't know the effects of possible agents. I also have not looked into the effects of agents both because I am not into drugs of any kind, and, much more importantly, these things are truly dangerous to life and a little bit of knowledge is not enough. My play is safe and, readers, so should be yours.

Hypnosis is the only drug I need.


I am surprised, nobody seems to want to hear of my hypnotizing Mistress X.


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