Fixing "Part of me still really hurts"

When we scanned this Yahoo group, one line stood out above all others.

"Truthfully part of me still really hurts" ... "I avoid it at all costs".

This, and the experience behind it, really bothers us. This should not have happened, and the pain should not continue. X has expressed an interest in working with the one who wrote this if he is in need of further healing from his bad experiences or even if he is in need of additional resistance from falling back under this bad spell. If the author said "yes" she will contact him at his posted yahoo email. You can get a pretty good idea of the nature and intentions of X from this blog and see that she is fundamentally different than his prior experience. I know that I could not just STOP paying attention to my fetish. As he probably cannot stop either, maybe it can be made to be more safe for him.

I hope he learns of this posting. With regard to this fetish, I fall into the 71% that hides it, and with this blog I'm "out" enough as it is, so in Yahoo I am a 100% lurker.


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