A hypno tale from someone else

My bloglines RSS read of a pubsub subscription picked this up.


Was he hypnotized? Yes.

"I think I remembered everything even though I sort of pretended not to"

I know the feeling. Sometimes the memories are there but not practically accessable, they are in essence blocked from having much effect on you. You know they are there, and if anybody asked directly you could comment on them, but they are not there in the same way that other memories are. These blocked memories tend to fade quickly over time and if asked a few days from now he may have truly forgotten provided that they had not gotten burned in by being discussed. Sometimes I remember rembering but and the second memory of remembering replaces the first memory.

There is also something left out of his story because in the story he was not asked about these memories.

> ‘You’re very lucky.’ She says

He has no idea. First, it is a she, and she just walked in there, started giving commands, induced a trance without much announcement, gave him specific suggestions without all that "if you feel like it" or "you might" wishy washy stuff, and he did everything she asked without question. He left a bit confused and disoriented, and he is likely to get to do it again.

He does not confess to having a hypno-fetish, but he is certainly capable of it.

This never happened in my college. Lucky guy.


The comments somebody made at the end of the linked blog tale are bogus. Challenge tests are routine and serve many purposes, and hand levitation is quite common. I wish somebody would set the record straight. I'd like to, but this blog is the only thing you'll find from this identity other than some posts in a Yahoo Group.


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