General Session Notes -- Commentary

Notes for this and other sessions:

  • You do not have to “do” anything – I de-stress just from being under and we can find something within your style or within some area in which you wish to expand your capabilities.
  • I do enjoy the felling of being in your control because that feeling lets me let go of many things. It is a gentle and trusting transfer that does not include the elements that repulse me from what I see of the domination world. It is a question of trust and intent -- I can temporarily give up control only to someone who is taking it only because they see it as doing me good rather than because they see it as doing them good.
  • I do like convincers because they help reset my self-perception of being in trance and give me an anchor memory. They, however, are not required and, if used, do not have to be different each time.
  • Sometimes I must be unresponsive and you ask me to come up a bit. You could also try just asking me to speak louder, signal by holding my breath, or use the depth I’m in to send me even deeper into Nirvana and/or more open to your suggestions.
  • It is unfortunate that the involvement of your group did not pan out. However, you are welcome to involve others if and when you see fit and you do not need to pre-coordinate with me unless you want to.


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