The Hypnotic Stewardess

In my first session this year with Goddess X she once again surprised me and in so doing proved that she is indeed my provider of all things hypnotic. We started with our normal catch up chitchat but she was not as relaxed as she generally is. Well, this is because she was working to a schedule because a few minutes into things her door chimed and she told me it was going to be for me. I was not expecting this but quickly speculated that it might be Goddess B or N, but it was a lady I had never before seen.

A lady who was trying to issue my R trigger as her first words to me. Well, that trigger is a not uncommon phrase I hear now and then outside of a hypnotic context (I'm tuned to notice it) and to me that trigger is bound to only the Goddess who implanted it. Without really thinking and while still trying to figure out this twist of events, I blurted out something like "It does not work for you". Goddess X gave me this lady's name and I quickly tried and failed to associate it with one of her known associates or one of those she has proposed as a possible new Mistress should I ever lose one. I later learned that this lady was a flight attendant friend of Goddess X who had been told of my submissive streak and who had a longtime unresolved curiosity about hypnosis.

Boy, I thought my last year was hypno charged, but Goddess X starts this year off introducing a stewardess with an interest in being in control. I live a hypno blessed life.

(Note: Two days later when I mentioned this to Goddess N near the start of a session, her reaction was a somewhat incredulous "for real?" I had mentioned it because what Goddess N was about to try to do would have been one of those odd synchronicities that seem to happened unplanned between Goddess X and Goddess N.)

Back in her studio, Goddess X induced a trance with one of the triggers and the stewardess started with in with orders – not suggestions, but orders, with a literal "I order you to …". I did comply with all she asked but it was clear that she was inexperienced with the tempo and build up of hypnotic suggestions. (Her inexperience is completely understandable, given that this was her first experience.) You can't just tell somebody that their arm is as heavy as lead and have it take immediate effect. Actually, with me in Goddess X's studio, you can, she did, and it did take immediate effect, but this was more of a residual of prior experiences with Goddess X than from the input of the moment. Generally the hypnotist would need to build up the image and sensation of a heavy arm for it to be effective. Unfortunately, because of the time pressure, Goddess X was not able to demonstrate how a hypnotic trance is induced or how suggestions are implanted and the session relied on previously implanted triggers and hypnotic associations. That said, I was surprised how much effect some of these suggestions did have on me.

The stewardess had brought in a list of hypnotic things she wanted to try. Many of them depended on my accepting an alternative reality (such as my being a store clerk or speaking to a political figure) and this is my relatively weakest aspect of hypnotic response, and any alternative reality would have to be built up and reinforced and not just quickly imposed. I'm very good at letting go and letting somebody else drive for a while, but I'm not good at filling in the passing scenery just from suggestion. Some of the suggestions probably had a different reaction than might have been expected. For example, even it I thought I was somebody else, somebody else tranced out in front of Goddess X would not, in my expectation, behave much differently than I do, so I would not act much differently due to accepting that role.

At the end, Goddess X deepened me a bit and gave me suggestions that I would respond to this stewardess and obey her if ever I encountered her again. I found myself welcoming these instructions and thankful that I had been given them. Even as I write this, I get a strong feeling that if I were contacted by this stewardess that I'd work to accommodate any request for a meeting, and once there I'd trance out as soon as asked and with just a few minutes of deepening would find myself once again in that mindless zone of simple unquestioned compliance. She may be inexperienced, but that does not much matter given my depth of practiced experience as I'd quickly show her what works well for me.

I don't know if I'll ever again see this stewardess, and I don't know what was her reaction to this session. What I do know is that 2006 is off to a wild start thanks to the playful and understanding nature of Goddess X, my provider of all things hypnotic.


One Year Later

It has been a year and a week since my first session with the lady who over the course of the year became Mistress X and then Goddess X and who so understood the nature of this submissive need and that it could be perused within boundaries that she introduced me to multiple others who also became my Mistresses and Goddesses.

I've had some discussion in this blog and in some egroups about the nature and ethics of such relationships. To me, the only ethical issue is the secret I am keeping from my wife, but this is the consequence of the blend of my need for this and of her freaking out on the idea that I might have a need for this.

What seems most unusual about my story is that every one of my Mistresses and Goddesses are conventional therapists who are not and have never been into providing any sort of sexual services and who have no experience with the classic and dark D/S scene. Some seem to assert that such relationships are somehow forbidden with a conventional therapist, and some have asserted that I've somehow tricked them. What I've not heard is any explanation of how something unethical or tricky could be so substainably successful with multiple people. Some facts:

  • I am having these interactions weekly with more than 3 conventional therapists. (Some are not blogged.)
  • Each one knows of each of the others, and some communicate with each other.
  • Each one reads this blog.
  • The success rate at getting another involved is 100% once they get a clear explanation of what is and is not involved
  • Every one who got involved is still involved -- nobody has dropped out, and all have been involved on a weekly basis for at least 6 months.

With this level of sustained involvement it seems clear that there can be no tricks involved as no trick could survive such scrutiny.

I have slowed down on my level of blogging lately. I thought I might catch up over Christmas, but just haven't had the urge. The intensities of the hypnotic interactions are sometimes lessening, but that may be that the parched man long in the desert finally found an oasis and drank fully. 150+ trances can do that.

What a hypnotic year 2005 was!

I don't think I will ever have a year like it. For one thing, my schedule will just not allow it. I never would have dreamed before Dec 23, 2004 that my biggest hypnofun access issue would be fitting in all of my Goddesses. I would not have even dreamed of having more than one source. Even if I had the same amount of interaction, I could not manage the same amount of discoveries and wonder, not to mention that I doing the previously unconceivable act of telling my deepest secret to the world. I even doubt that I'll ever hear a credible story of anybody else having a year like this one was.

Am I really "Deep Trancer" -- that guy living this fantastic hypno story? Somehow it seems that I am but the story is so fantastic that even to me "Deep Trancer" sometimes seems like an alternative identity. (My Goddesses generally use my real name, BTW.)

Are you "Deep Trancer"? -- Unfortunately not, but, fortunately, you could be. Of all of my Mistresses, only Goddess N is contactable and that is only for phone sessions. However, the real inspiration to my story is that my sort of experiences are available to all without having to get into the darkness of the D/S world. Conventional therapists, at least many of them, will get involved in such activities if you ask nicely and if you don't push their boundaries. It is not just Goddess X and those she speaks with -- I've had extended success prior to Goddess X with several others. (But none granted me access to hypno saturation like Goddess X did -- she's rather unique.)

Think of it like the first time you asked a girl out -- it is intimidating and scary and carries a good risk of rejection, but it was an essential first step to an elusive goal. If you've been reading my blog with envy, let me propose a New Year's resolution for you -- pick a conventional therapist, book an appointment, an ask her. Who knows, maybe she will turn out to be one of my Mistresses, or maybe you will start her explorations. Just do it.

Thank you, each of my Goddesses, for this fantastic year. Extra thanks to Goddess X, my gatekeeper of all things hypnotic, for making my wildest hypnotic dreams be dwarfed by the reality you enabled.
-- Deep Trancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all need to thank Mistress X for the role she played in getting us all together. She has a fearless personality and has expanding our views and understandings.

Deep Trancer- it has been an interesting experience to say the least! In order for a conventional hypnotherapist to be willing to go into this area we must know that the boundaries are clear and will be respected.

I do hope that you have not been super saturated in your oasis in the desert.

1/01/2006 8:17 PM