Goddess X's alternative approach

We had a joint session where the plan was for Goddess X and I to jointly hypnotize Goddess N in conjunction with a specific issue we have been recently exploring. I've commented a few times that it is pretty unpredictable what will occur when the three of us are together and this time was no exception. The issue was as expected, but hypnosis was not the best approach for it and for Goddess X on this day. It is not that Goddess N did not get into hypnosis, it was that Goddess X determined (accurately) that another of her modularities would work better.

I was aware of Goddess X's expertise in this modularity but it was not one that I find appealing and it was one whose explanation of how it works requires a great suspension of analysis. It was the first time I have seen this modularity used and I was very impressed at how effectively it allowed dealings with intense emotions. Goddess N was clearly helped by it in the manner we had hoped to achieve with hypnosis. I'm left with the conclusion that this alternative modularity has a place, but needs to seek an accurate and non-mystical explanation of the principals of its effectiveness.

Ironically, Goddess N injured herself on the way back from the session -- one of those injuries that will last and affect her life for at least 2 months. She replaced one pain with another. This one, at least, will heal.


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