Productive Surprise

Following a plan devised by Goddess X last Wednesday, I showed up Friday to a meeting she had planned with Goddess N, without either of us warning Goddess N beforehand.

Goddess N was obviously very surprised and also pleased when I showed up, with a little bit of fluster and perplexion thrown in. The three of us are actually quite an unpredictable combination, even to ourselves. Lets see, Wed Goddess X was trancing me, but the prior Wed I was trancing her, Thursday I was trancing Goddess N but the prior Thursday she was trancing me, Goddess X and I once jointly tranced Goddess N, they have jointly tranced me but once I had a note in my pocket, … you can see that a huge range of possible things could happen.

It was an interesting 2 hour session that contained motivation analysis and encouragements, blockage analysis, review of ones strengths, renewals of confidence, careful attention to phraseology, and many statements that taken out of context would make great subject lines for blog entries. At the end and with Goddess X's blessing, definitive encouragement actually, I did something that I knew would make Goddess N uncomfortable … but in a good way. By the end of the day multiple parties had made the desired progress.

What the session did not contain was any trancing. As I said, we are an unpredictable combination.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is there to say but our encounters have .......

10/05/2005 8:48 PM  
What is there to say but our encounters have .......
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