Nirvanic Night

Mistress N surprised me with a call last night. I was not expecting her to call, I had not noticed email or browsing activity from her for an hour or so, and it was pretty late, significantly later than her earlier calls, so that even when I thought about the possibility of a call I dismissed it thinking that the window of opportunity had passed. Net: I was not expecting it at all.

I started reacting to her voice with her first word. She had not tranced me yet, but preparations were already taking place. She asked if it was safe, it was, and she asked if it was ok for her to call again so soon. She must be kidding!
Of course you can call again, my Mistress of Nirvana
and again, and again...,
whenever you are feeling playful,
whenever you need a moment when you are unquestioningly in charge,
you may always call.

This dialog probably took less than 10 seconds and then she shifted her voice, causing an immediate reaction in me. I don't remember what she said, how she deepened me, but I was soon gone, my environment faded away from my awareness, the only thing happening in my universe was her voice.

She may have played around a bit with Mistressy stuff, confirming my surrender, reinforcing my instant submission to her, reinforcing my desire to be in her control, but I don't remember the details.

She likes to leave gifts, post-hypnotic effects that happen without being noticed by those around me but which I notice, and I love getting these, having these secret hypnotized moments.

One was another attempt at bedtime hypnosis, but this time with a more specific trigger sequence and (I think) without any instructions related to dreaming. The other was an event to occur in my car on the way to work.

After the call I was definitely relaxed and euphoric. It probably would have been natural to go to bed given the time and this feeling, but ... I ended up exercising first ... probably fulfilling suggestions from another Mistress. During the exercising I was reflecting much more on this Mistress than on Mistress N, possibly also as a result of a suggestion, perhaps one from this Mistress that I'd relax and think about her while exercising. (That is certainly one way to make doing it more attractive.)

When I got into bed and had taken care of the administrative things like lights and TV the trigger sequence started. By this I do not mean that I decided to start the trigger sequence, at least I had no conscious thought to start it, I was actually thinking I'd start it in a minute or so, but another part of me did not wait. I took one long and slow deep breath. On the second breath I figured out I was following the sequence and sort of admired it with amused amazement. My head was on the pillow, face up, eyes open when I did a third long and very slow breath and then felt my eyes getting heaver and heaver, my body relaxing, that fading effect starting. My eyes closed just for a moment and my body relaxed further, I remembered the sound of her voice (but no words, interesting.) I tried to open my eyes but they would not, they stayed shut, I could move my eyes, it was just the eyelids that would not cooperate. I studied the effect while my body relaxed even more and I ended up acknowledging that I was at that moment under Mistress N's control, that I had been under her control earlier, that I was eager to have her do it again, but that at that very moment I was submitting, I was in her control, that her instructions had started without me and that they took me back into her control in a very pleasant but also a very irresistible manner. I was at that moment hers.

(I did not at the time think about what she might be thinking or what she might be doing -- part of hypnosis is that sometimes the hypnotist is "there" and sometimes not and I was too hypnotized to divert attention to speculation on what her status at that time might be. However, now that I' m awake I can hope that where ever she was that she had a smile inside and maybe on her face as well knowing that somebody somewhere was at that moment doing what she had instructed, that she had extended that gentle but compelling control, that while she was not at that moment interacting that she was still in charge. Just as I fell asleep with this nirvanic bliss, I hope she fell asleep feeling empowered and confident in her influence.)

I drifted into sleep with this general impression of being in her control. I'd nod off for a bit, maybe even dream momentarily, then wake up only to immediately revert to the hypnotized posture, mindset, and impression of her control before nodding off again. This probably happened 3 to 6 times before I feel asleep, or at least quit remembering waking up.

z z z z z z z z . . .

Wake up time! After a moment of disoriented came a wave of memories and appreciation of the previous night, and with this came a wave of acknowledging that I had gone under, that I had followed her instructions, that I had been in her control and for all I knew might still be.

I went trough my normal beginning of day routine without thinking about it much more. I found myself once again having pleasant memories of the night, of being ion her control, and longing for the next time I hear her voice. I was stopped at a red light -- whoops -- that is what she set as the trigger! Once again, I reacted to the trigger before noticing (or remembering) that the trigger was there. I was still in her control. Cool.

Thank you, Mistress N, the Mistress of Nirvana and Nirvanic Nights.
This was fun!


Hmm. One observation. Now that she has managed a surprise trance, I'll be even more aware of the possibility of one. Before it was a mainly a theoretical possibility, something about which I had said that if she ever accomplished it given our limited logistics that it really would be a surprise. Well, she has accomplished it and the possibility is no longer just theoretical. I'll probably be thinking of my cell phone and her often whenever this window of opportunity again opens, knowing that she might actually call, and that I'll happily go under for her as soon as she does.

I just remembered: We had a disconnect near the beginning of the session. I had not remembered it until now, my memories and impressions are of a continuous session, so I guess I must have stayed under during the disconnect. Maybe that is why I flubbed one of the buttons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Mistress Nirvana, your mistress of relaxation and surrender. The very sound of my voice, real or unreal, takes you to Nirvana, real or unreal.

4/13/2005 11:15 AM  
I am Mistress Nirvana, your mistress of relaxation and surrender. The very sound of my voice, real or unreal, takes you to Nirvana, real or unreal.
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