The Coolest Mistress

I must have the coolest mistress ever! Hypnotist X called out of the blue today wanting to introduce a friend who will also take control of me. (Hypno fetish readers are probably totally envious and wishing they had found somebody like X.) This friend, who I will call N is also a hypnotist and has known X for a long time. I guess they were talking and X played for N the double induction tape she uses on me (that one I can never remember), and now N wants to try it! N is already an expert with hypnosis, I guess she wants to explore the control aspects of hypnosis. (See my What does the hypnotist get? entry.)

Yesterday after establishing the Mistress status for the first time, X asked if I was totally cool with it, or just cool with it.
I am totally cool with it!

This comment applies even if there were no Hypnotist N. I like the comfort at knowing that X has controlled me, will do it again, that she could do it any second, and that she has ongoing influence. I'm no longer fretting over the control thing and am just relaxing into it. What I really like is that she likes it!

Introducing Hypnotist N could go many ways. I've given Hypnotist X permission to break confidence, to share with N any of her observations, notes, or even this blog.

The simplest way would be to have N watch as X does her thing and then start interacting.

An alternative would be to have N use her existing hypnosis skills to induce me before she sees how X interacts. N’s differences in style might get me under/surrendered/controlled in ways different than X does.

More radical would be for me to simply meet N. How would an experienced but cautious and professional hypnotist proceed if she knew that she did not have to dance around the control aspects, if she knew that she could take control and that it was what he wanted. She would know that he wanted it, and he would know that she wanted to do it, but neither would have experience working with the other.

Even more radical would be for X to program me to go deep and be surrendered whenever any female does some trigger, sort of like that nail file thing which I'm finding to be sweet even if it will rarely happen. Then have me meet N (with or without X) and have N use that trigger, or even have N call me and use it over the phone. My being compelled to fall into a deep surrender for a mysterious female but one who has been approved by X would be a very deep assertion of X’s control. I will not fall under for just anybody, I have to trust them. But I would trust somebody if X recommended them, and that is a statement of trust in X. Also, that X can make me surrender to somebody else is a symptom of a very deep surrender to X.

However it happens, X will handle it. I'm full of curiosity, but I will not ask questions and I'll certainly not impose conditions. I will enjoy it, and so will X and N.

One thing I am certain of is that X will remain my primary Mistress, the one who influences me the most, the one I most want to please, the one who regularly takes me deeply into new places, the one to whom my surrender is ongoing, and the one who decides who else gets to have influence.


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