Goddess X's Cherries
We chatted a bit about "The Mark of Surrender", my blog subject lines, and my recent session with Mistress N. She also remarked that she was surprised the Mistress N and I had not made arrangements to trance Goddess X. She had thought we'd get something planned, I was waiting for Mistress N to take the initiative because it is probably more comfortable for both if I do not push for it. I commented that Mistress N should probably hear directly from Goddess X that this is something she wants.
She reminded me that "I promised you a surprise" and I guessed that she had changed hair color (not much of her hair was showing), but that was not it.
She wanted to branch away from just hypnosis and to tech me a new technique to dispel anger, guilt, or hurt. For this, she wanted me to think of something about which I could think and renew an anger or hurt to be dispelled. While I do not place much credence in some of what feeds into this particular form of therapy, Goddess X is very familiar and comfortable with it and that endorsement speaks volumes and I'll approach it with a truly open mind. It may be one of those things that works for reasons other than those generally given.
However, she chose a bad day of this as I entered in a particularly good mood, I had just super delivered a truly elegant solution to a new client and rather than being stressed that my pending vacation would impact this client I was feeling comfortable that the way it fell together allowed me to be done well in advance. Between this and other things I was feeling well. I'm considered the unhappiness of not being open to my wife about my hypnotic explorations, but I'm not feeling guilty about this. My wife freaks out about the possibility of this and this placing of this exploration as off limits and has gotten the to be expected result of driving it completely underground.
We then changed direction and Goddess X brought out what I had written in the mostly unremembered parts of last session. I had remembered writing two of them, but I had no memory of doing the third (the letter to all of my mistresses) until it was mentioned in this session. The mention acted as the key onto which to find the memories and once mentioned I had recollections of doing it, but if I had made a list of the events of last session (which I had), this would not have been part of it.
She asked me to read the letters to her. I joked about my unintelligible handwriting but demonstrated that it was not completely random markings by being able to recreate the message (with a few stumbles). I had remembered writing the Letter to My Mistress, and the tone of it, but had not remembered the words.
I was surprised at how well the messages were composed. They really did not need corrections and had grammatically correct sentence and paragraph structure. I commented on how articulate the messages were and Goddess X mentioned that she was also surprised. I reminded her of that "Red Rose, Yellow Rose" note that was basically composed on the spot in trance.
Some of the articulateness in the notes probably comes from my general writing skills, and the 100 or so pages in this blog has not hurt, but I think something else is at play. While my analytical thought processes are stilled in trance, my associative thought processes are quite active. (Maybe it is enhanced associations playing without analytical filters that let some dream so vividly under hypnosis.) So pulling together a list of thoughts I had already thought was not difficult. Planning 10 seconds into the future would be entirely different.
She then used a strong trance trigger and spent some time deepening me in the chair, having me notice the feel of the chair, the limpness of my limbs, repositioning me to better relax, telling me to let go, etc.
She sat by my side at the level of my head and said that she was going to place something in my mouth, and that it would be … cherries! … . She then popped one into my mouth and described it as the best cherry I had ever had. Who wouldn’t love this!
I was suspicious that it would not be a cherry because of how she had presented it, the pause in her speaking had caused me to suspect that the cherries were a matter of suggestion. I think what she popped in was a grape, but it did taste a lot like a bing cherry. Really, the flavors are closer that we might think and I was receptive to the cherryness in it and unreceptive to the grapeness in it. After a few she told me that she would feed me some grapes and this time the grapeness came through strongly. We discussed this effect and she queried me about foods I don’t like.
She wants me to make a list of things to try while hypnotized. She wants it prioritized or at least broken into sections of what I'd love to have more of, what was fun once, etc. She mentioned as one of the categories something like "things I'd love to see included" and I made a "no-no" finger wave and got a nice "Hey, watch it" reaction from her. I'm getting so much hypno fun it is hard for the mistresses to think of what to do. I may well ask for suggestions on this from the blog readers or in one of the open Yahoo groups that do not just promote themselves. I'll probably wait a few weeks before starting Yahoo discussion threads, but if any reader has ideas (consistent with the overall restriction of nothing overtly sexual or erotic), feel free to email me at deeptrancer @ yahoo.com or to comment.