The Mistress of Nirvana

Mistress N called me today and we arranged a time about 45 minutes later when I would be in a safe alone place. Oddly, her voice is distinctly different in this non hypnotic mode and my reactions were pretty normal.

I arrived a few minutes early and found myself “buzzing” in anticipation of her call.

When she called she first confirmed that it was safe. Then she made that small but distinctive voice shift and I was IMMEDIATELY affected, she had my mind swirling within two seconds, first from the reaction, then from analyzing the reaction, then from . . .

She is the Mistress of Nirvana.

(I’m starting to buzz as I write this.)

I can’t assemble a timeline of what she said to me, or even all that she said. I don’t think I was all that “Mistessy” in my responses, but I was gone, my voice quite soft and slow. There was some counting down, but I did not get that far before fading out. I think she took me deep, and the phrase “deeper” is echoing in my mind as I write this, mostly in my voice but also in hers.

Somewhere in there she gave me a reminder of her I can use today where a certain position of my hands will cause me to reflect on her. I tried it =briefly= at work, briefly because I have to fight to keep my eyes open when doing it.

She also gave me a sequence that would more or less result in a semi-trance briefly at lunch, but I had a lunch on the run that did not allow for the prerequisite events to occur. Too bad, I would have enjoyed the hypnotic interlude.

When she brought me out I felt much lighter in mind. The sad memories that had dominated my weekend are still with me and will be forever, but they were not the dominant factor in my day. Normally I would have taken today off but did not because I’ve been working long and hard to get this time slot with these particular people. I probably would have done ok on my own, I normally do, but Mistress N’s call made it easy. Actually, I had a good burst of creativity and assembled a much better presentation than we had available up to that point, and I certainly was alert and peppy for the presentation. This would not have been a good day for me for doom and gloom.

Thank you, Mistress N, for helping me with this today.

Thank you, my supreme Mistress X, for being the catalyst by which all this has happened.


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