The urge is gone
Those who resonate with me: Have you ever looked around a room spotting people and wondering "what if", what if they were a hypnotist and interested? I've done that many times.
That urge is gone. I looked around and had no inclination whatsoever for any of those present to be involved, and I instead saw them as folks whose intentions I did not know I could trust. This is not a statement about those present in the room, it was the typical random draw you might expect. I think it is a statement that this side of me has found a safe outlet, 3 of them actually, and there is no motivation to seek anything else.
I've always been a seeker. To not be seeking, to not be needing or wanting to seek, is a truly new experience.
And a very nice one, I should add.
This is not to say that I am any less interested in continuing what I have going, or that it will be any less fun for me, or that I would not welcome anybody else Mistress X approves, but it does mean something quite strange: I am content
That is much too weak a word for it, but it is the best I can think of right now.
Thank you, Mistresses! WOW!